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Uh- so I've worked 5 days this week... babysat nephews... and been in college and I'm dead? Been mucho depresso and the second I get home (I leave house 9am and I get home at 6pm usually) I just lay in my bed in my work clothes and contemplate life till 10pm then I shower, and then I knock the fuck out after homework- so I haven't updated but somehow I've fallen in love with Finn wolfhard even more than before, started stranger things, listened to his band calpurnia, and written 40 chapters of a book I'm never posting that's a Richie X Eddie from IT 😂😂😂😂 so
I'm medically, mentally, and physically a disaster but hi?  Here to disappoint 😂

Gay Gang

BamBam: Jill me

BamBam: kill

BamBam: me

BamBam: kill me

Jinyoung: Youngjae help

Yugyeom: BamBam.....?

FUCK CLASS STARTED ILL HE BACK BEFORE WORK I SQWAR ok I have 30 minutes 2 eat and update with one hand 😂

BamBam: he got sent in

BamBam: this is all my fault I shoulda been there i was with Aimee and now he's gone

Mark: who got sent where???

Jinyoung: Jackson???

Youngjae: BamBam calm down what happened

BamBam: his doctor sent him in

Jaebum: sent him in where...?

BamBam: IN like

Mark: like... white walls crazy place in a looney bin?

BamBam: YES

Jinyoung: whAt?!

BamBam: they took his shoes

BamBam: and put him in a straight jacket

Mark: Vwhxjqk what the fuck?

Youngjae: they can't just do that-

BamBam: when I demanded to see him they just showed me a fucking photo


Yugyeom: Bammie

BamBam: hes brokien

Jinyoung: Bam Well get him out

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Jinyoung: Bam Well get him out.... we'll figure it out okay...?

Jaebum: oh my god... we'll get this fixed

Mark: Bam?

I'm exhausted and it's hot the place I work they steam clothes so it gets really hot but we don't have AC so hA

I'm exhausted and it's hot the place I work they steam clothes so it gets really hot but we don't have AC so hA

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Kill me i left class changed I  the bathroom and slammed a biscuit down my throat in my car and now I go in 🤪

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