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I'm fucking dYING 😂🔪 sigh I've been real sick and it's finals and they are whooping my ass and life is beating me up bad... trying to move out... or Meg might move in my parents house with me if they'll agree and give in for a few months so she doesn't have to leave me after she visits.... and then we'll move out together... i just know she's all that's holding me together rn and when she leaves y'all best not be surprised me when updates be lacking for a sec cause I'll be a crying depressed dead mess with no desire to do anything while I do school full time and work full time :-: end me

Gay Crisis

Jaebum: I'm so pissed

Jinyoung: why?

Youngjae mark flew to LA anyways he just left and is phone says he's at the airport

BamBam: ... I can't blame  him for wanting to talk to his family in person... they've been back and forth this whole time like if they can't pick if theyll be supportive he needs to pick if he wants to keep them in touch close

Jinyoung: that's so hard to do.. especially when family is important to you like I know it is for mark

Yugyeom: :( dont me mad at Hyung Im sure he's just doing what he thinks is right and will come back right after he talks to them

Jaebum: then he could call them this is a waste of money for a talk unless he's taking the job

Youngjae: you don't actually think Mark would do that do us do you Bummie?

Jackson: guys he's just handling his family the way he feels is best and you have to support him the best you can with that

Jaebum: I don't know hard to trust someone who just leaves suddenly no luggage or nothing to the fucking airport!!!  Maybe he is gonna take the job and leave us I don't know Jae!

BamBam: dont fucking say that doubting him and your relationship won't do anything but hurt you and him so keep that shit out of your mouth and this chat rn

Jinyoung: oh shit kid-

BamBam: I mean it Hyung hasn't given you a single reason to think he'd ever do that to you and him needing to do this for his own family is understandable so you need to chill tf out and just wait for him to talk or come to you

Yugyeom: I agree.. and he won't talk and come to you if you're attacking him Jaebum...

Youngjae: they're right... you can't do that insecure or not

Jaebum: dont call me insecure I'm not fucking insecure Youngjae

Jackson: ... sure

Youngjae: whatever

Marks phone has been deactivated


Why do you think his fam is trying to take him to LA and why do you think he suddenly went 😱

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