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Gay Crisis

BamBam: so.. it's been 2 days are we just not gonna talk about..

Jinyoung: nope

Youngjae: Jaebum hasn't come home since we fought.

Jackson: oh my god

Jaebum: never asked me to.

Yugyeom: for the love of god

BamBam: can you too stop fighting and focus?

Youngjae; I'm not even fighting with him I'm just not going to deal with him

Jackson: can I leave the chat? I want to leave

BamBam: just mute it and play with Aimee

Jaebum: mature

Yugyeom; more mature than you've both been in 3 fucking days

BamBam: dkwiskwkkwka

Youngjae: excuse me-

Yugyeom: you're excused

Jackson: 👀

Jaebum: at least I tried to talk it out with Youngjae he just fucking ignored me and then said I should schedule a fucking session like I'm mentally unstable just because I have emotions

Jaebum: sorry I'm not perfect or a robot sunshine

Jinyoung: Aish

BamBam: focus....

Youngjae: honestly fuck this no way I don't have to deal with this bull shit

Jinyoung; ya know what

Yugyeom: do it

Jinyoung: YES YOU DO

Jinyoung: you do have to deal with this bull shit because Jaebum is your BOYFRIEND so you have to deal with anything and everything that comes with that no matter what no matter when that's love bitch

Jinyoung: And yes you can have emotions Jaebum but so does Youngjae and frustration and anger is an emotion so during a stressful situation don't hold it against him forever if he lashed out at you yes he has a degree but he's not perfect either fuckface

Jinyoung; god damnit fuck you both mark has been MIA for 2 days with his phone turned off and y'all don't even seem to notice cause you're too busy with your heads up each other's asses!!!  Suck it tf up and be men 😤

Yugyeom: okay nyoungie calmmmm

Jinyoung: hmeksowkakwkskakkw

BamBam: 😳

Youngjae: ....

Jaebum: .....

Jackson: 😞

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