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Rises from the grave 🔪

"Hello Mr. Tuan? I was wondering if you have heard from Mark?"

"Mark? No.. I scheduled him an interview to try and help him and his future and he didn't show.. he blew the whole thing.."

Deep breathe. In and out... in and out.

"Oh.. so you haven't heard from him since you told him about the interview?.. okay. Thank you sir.."

Yugyeom hung up the phone taking a long sigh, how did he end up being the one to clean up his hyungs messes?

Oh yeah.. because they become his messes.


Jinyoung came home from work stumbling, tears clear on his face was he barely made it to the kitchen.

"Hyung.. what happened..?" Yugyeom asked closing his laptop and exiting the class submission tab, next semester planning could wait.

"Nothing I'm doing absolutely nothing." Jinyoung mumbled sticking his head in the freezer and sighing.

His knuckles were red, bruising and Yugyeom felt his hairs on his arms standing up with worry. "What happened?" He asked placing his hand on the others shoulder and pulling him back, shutting the freezer and looking at him.

Jinyoung turned around shuddering as he stumbled again laughing as he held his side.  "Jaebum yelled at me on set and I punched him in the face.. he doesn't even care.. about where Mark is.. just that Youngjae is being an ass.."  Jinyoung slurred hissing.

"Why are you drunk.. and why are you holding your side?"  Yugyeom asked eyeing him as he steadied him.

"Bar next to work.. got fired for punching Jaebum... fucking deserved it... fell into sign when leaving.. scratched me."  Jinyoung blinked closing his eyes slightly.

"Don't get sleepy I'm not done talking to you Park...  let me see."  Yugyeom sighed forcing the drunk idiot to the couch and looking down.

Moving his couch he saw where the others shirt was torn open from the metals sharp edge and red decorated it.  He was bleeding.

"Hyung...  this might be infected.. or deep.. or i don't know... where going to the hospital."  Yugyeom sighed and Jinyoung shot him a glare.

"No we aren't that's... expensive."  He shook his head.

Yugyeom huffed, "it's not even late it's 4pm we'll go to urgent care it's keeper i can pay for it now shut up."  Yugyeom snapped his voice raising and Jinyoung didn't say anything, he stared at the ground as the other forced him to the clinic.

Receiving a good 10 stitches and cleaning and giving Yugyeom a migraine.  Mark leaving really needed to be solved because it was hurting HIS baby... and that's not allowed.

That night Yugyeom hid in the bathroom popped 3 anxiety pills, cried, had a panic attack and tried to plan how to fix his fucked up family of friends before they ruined his boyfriend

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