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Gay Crisis
Jinyoung: I have my idiot

Yugyeom: 🥺

BamBam: cute

Jackson: haha at least he helped

Mark: true

Jaebum: glad to see you came out of the closet bud

Yugyeom: I wa wha I caME OUT

Mark: better than I did LOL

Youngjae: ouCh

BamBam: I was born out of the closet I practically cane out screaming "I'm a homosexual sorry bout it bitches"

Jackson: your mother must have been so proud

Jinyoung: I swear if all our kids are gay then we are breaking society with our gayness and need to be exterminated

Yugyeom: hARSH

Mark: LOL

BamBam: hEy my mom was chill with it!

Jaebum: 😂😂😂

Mark: his mom is dope

BamBam: who do you think I got dabbing from?

Yugyeom: oh fuck

Jaebum: no?

Jinyoung: bullshitv

BamBam: 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

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