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I have a migraine 😪 I hate the iPhone update.  Annoyance.  Moving alone.  Let's try a narrative 🤪

Jinyoung and Yugyeom both entered the front of the hospital, going up the reception desk.  "Is there a bathroom?"  Yugyeom asked politely and the woman nodded telling him the direction down the hall to the restroom.

"Don't get stuck."  Jinyoung muffled a laugh Yugyeom glared at him before walking casually down the hall and going into the bathroom.

Jinyoung smiled at the receptionist and hummed, "no point in waiting for him, we were hoping to see about how visiting worked."  Jinyoung spoke.

The woman smiled softly and nodded her head typing away at her computer and printing out a long complicated form. 

"You'll have to fill this out and then we'll inquire with the patient if they want to have you allowed and if it's approved the doctors in charge of their treatment you'll be allowed visiting hours weekly or monthly."  She explained and he gritted his teeth but took the paper with a fake smile.

(Im not a doctor please don't think this is how mental institutions work now or how they use to work.  I have never been in one or worked in one it's pure fiction, im just gonna use what I know from psychology class to make the doctors talk about actually methods of treatment so it seems legit kekekeke)

Sitting down he started filling out the form sloppily while texting Yugyeom.  Yugyeom texted back that he found a closet next to the bathroom with some spare laundry and he changed into a lab coat and put on a medical mask grabbing one for Jinyoung. 

Slipping out he excused himself for the restroom and met Yugyeom there.

"This is ridiculous."  Jinyoung whispered ajd Yugyeom shrugged from behind the doctor mask.

"I don't care I'm taking Jackson."  He said plain and simple and Jinyoung sighed putting and buttoning up the lab coat and covering his face with the mask.

Leaving they walked down the hall snatching a clipboard off the wall and looking at it occasionally to look "official" or professional. 

Yugyeom turned to a female nurse and tapped her shoulder, "I was told to check on patient Wang, Jackson Wang?  First time in this hospital where is he located?"  Yugyeom asked sweating under the coat.

She furrowed her eyes brows before smiling, "Oh you just be Dr. Inn!  It's so nice to have you here I'll take you there."  She said taking his hand and pulling him away.

Jinyoung followed with a bitch what the fuck face and Yugyeom shrugged.  "Is he your assistant?  So nice to have you both!  Jackson is one of our harder cases, he was self admitted to his doctor and then admitted to us by force.  He's gone into complete depression and given up.  We're about to send him away to another hospital because he won't respond to us or eat or drink and we can't help him any further."  She explained and Yugyeom tried to control his temper.

"That's so horrible to hear, id like to speak with him before he is sent off if that's okay?  For my studies."  Yugyeom said and she nodded showing them the room before leaving for her own duties.

"I hope this entire hospital gets flushed down a giant toilet."  Yugyeom grumbled pushing open the door she had unlocked for them.

Jinyoung felt his stomach clench when he saw the cold floor and walls on all sides of the room with no furniture and little to no light and laying in the floor in the middle of the room was Jackson, in a straight jacket.

"Jackson... Jackson oh my god."  Yugyeom whispered running over to him. 

Kneeling in front of him Jackson looked up at him with wide glassy eyes.  He was pale and dirty, his cheek bones prominent and his lips chapped and discolored, but he was still Jackson. 

"Wh what?"  Jackson asked hoarsely.

"Shh don't talk.  Jinyoung and I are going to get you out of here.  This is bullshit and illegal somehow I swear."  Yugyeom said helping Jackson up and starting to undo the straight jacket.

Once his arms were free Jackson looked at his hands weakly, he had been in that jacket for so long.

"Come on Hyung.. lets get you home."  Yugyeom said helping to lift Jackson up and support him as they walked out. 

Narrowly avoiding people they got the bathroom and Yugyeom tapped his foot.

"Oh Jinyoung!  Put your hoodie on Jackson so you can walk out with him and the lady with think it's us leaving in our normal clothes and I'll leave as a doctor."  Yugyeom said and Jinyoung looked at him confused.

Eventually they decided to try it and Jinyoung took off the doctor disguise and took off his hoodie putting it over Jackson. 

Yugyeom made sure his face was hidden and hoped no one would notice the height change between Jinyoung and him. 

As they walked out Jinyoung was supporting Jackson who had the hood up.  "Sorry ma'am I think he ate something bad one of the doctors is showing us how to loop up to the main hospital for food poisoning I'll finish the form later!"  Jinyoung called out and the receptionist yelled a get well soon as they sped walked out the door.

Once in the car Yugyeom ripped off the mask trying not to have a panic attack and smiled at Jackson kissing his forehead.  "Welcome fucking home! Wait till the others hear... and try to kill me... but you're home!"

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