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Y'all don't even wanna know what shit happened last night with all of my siblings and I bowling :) idiotic, fun for a bit, then horrible 🔪🔪🔪

Gay Crisis

Yugyeom: my mom is sick so I'm going home for a bit and will be busy good luck with everything going on and if someone is mean to my Nyoung I'll fucking cut you 🔪

BamBam: I- ... I hope she's okay... good luck Gyeom

Jackson: m so sorry Gyeom tell her I said get well soon

BamBam: she doesn't know you Jackson

Jackson: so?!

Yugyeom: ^ I will

Jinyoung: I'll miss you love you

Yugyeom: love you too bb

Jaebum: .. good luck

Youngjae: sorry to hear that...


Yugyeom boarded his plane, but not to his mom she wasn't sick his mom was fine. After a long flight he got a taxi and went to the first Apple store he saw in the large city of LA being jet lagged and tired and using broken English explained he needed the find your friends tracking fixed and how to find his friends phone which was logged off of.

It took them a bit but eventually they got it to show the phone even though it was in hibernation mode technically and Yugyeom left getting a hotel and sleeping, after popping some anxiety pills and sighing.

"I found you Hyung."

The next morning he checked his phone and found Marks location. Following it he bounced his leg the entire ride and felt his skin clammy as he stepped out of the taxi in front of a house. He didn't even know what to say.

Walking up he knocked with a shaky fist and tried to breathe, keyword being tried. He had every bad case scenario playing through his head and couldn't help the worry in his throat trying to escape.

Someone opened the door and Yugyeom widened his eyes before swallowing and taking a shaky breath. "H-hi. Uhm is Mark here?" Yugyeom whispered.

The guy raised an eyebrow and turned to the side, "Uh.. who are you?" He asked looking back and widening his eyes.

"And are you okay?" He asked seeing tears in Yugyeoms eyes and his face a red tint as he got dizzy, panicking and shutting down.

"Mark.. I need to t-talk to mark.." he stuttered and the other muttered something under his breath before yelling to his left.

"Mark! Some tall kid is on the doorstep dying asking for you!"

Mark turned the corner his eyes widening when he saw his brother standing in front of Yugyeom who was swaying and looked sick.

"Yugyeom?!" He yelled.

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