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Gay Crisis

Mark: FUCK


Jinyoung: that's a tad... aggressive... there

Jackson: 🚨 we need Youngjae

BamBam: Hyung???

Mark: 😪😭

Jaebum: babe?  What's wrong

Mark: I couldn't go home for thanksgiving which is an American holiday duh but my fam does it in LA and I've been on out terms with them about my job and then I couldn't go because of my job and my dad fucking called and told me he got me a job interview at a company Monday

Yugyeom: Uh- you mean that he got a job interview right

Mark: no.  He got ME an interview and at a company in LA like... IM 26 YOU CANT DO THAT ?! 

Jinyoung: what the fuck

BamBam: you're going to LA? 🥺

Youngjae: Hold the fuck up-

Jaebum: uh-

Mark: no.  Hi baby.  And no, yes but no.

Yugyeom: so you are going to LA...?

Mark: yes, but not for the interview or to move but to kick my old mans ass hell yeah like what the fuck?  You raised me you think you can try to push me around like that and I won't fly on a plane and fucking come at you 😤

Youngjae: Markie hes your dad you're not doing anything physical for one and you're not going anywhere until you've cleared your head

Mark: babe I have to he can't just do this thoooo

Jackson: ... mark

Jaebum: Hes not doing anything you're still in control because he can't make you do anything and he'll see you not do what he wants when you don't go to the interview and get the message you're not doing anything rash

Mark: mmm

Youngjae: Mark

Mark: what

Youngjae: I love you :)

Mark: grumbles

Mark: I love you too... 😫

Jinyoung: fucking soft?  Wow


Jackson: ^

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Jackson: ^

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