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Well I accidentally published this one so I'll just... publish the 2 before it... because.. why not it's Christmas eh
Gay Crisis

Marks phone is active

BamBam: holy shit

Mark: alright shitheads

Jinyoung: excuse me..?

Mark: nope you be quiet till I'm done 😤

Jackson: ..

Mark: I wasn't right. I should have told you guys or at least Jaebum and Youngjae where I was going. But just because I fuck up for whatever reason doesn't mean everyone can lose their ever loving shit. I'm sorry for that. I needed to come home and no not to my parents, I haven't talked to either of them. I needed to talk to someone here, someone who knows them too, I just needed to be here. I needed to be in the familiar place that is home in my heart and think because of what was going on before I talked to them.

Mark: but that doesn't mean Youngjae and Jaebum get to lose their love for each other the second I mess up. It doesn't mean you two get to abandon one another because that's not how a relationship fucking works, we work together and I fucked up but you didn't have to.

Mark: that didn't mean Jaebum had to be immature and start shit at work and push Jinyoungs buttons

BamBam: he did what

Mark: and just because he did doesn't mean Jinyoung gets to punch him and get himself fired and then drink his sorry ass drunk before tripping and hitting the edge of an old sign and needing stitches and scaring the shit out of your boyfriend who is trying to be the oldest and hold you all together since no one else will

Jinyoung: ..

BamBam: no way


Jackson: omg he went to the clinic-

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Jackson: omg he went to the clinic-

Yugyeom: 10 stitches

BamBam: Calvin and klein?

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BamBam: Calvin and klein?

Jackson: not important (also sexy wtf

Mark: and I know you're stressed parents but you two can't refuse to help at all, I backread I saw bam hve his fit bit you didn't try to help any of this

Mark: so. This was my fuck up but what the fuck and Yugyeom shouldnt have to worry himself sick to fix it

Jinyoung: baby... ? No

Yugyeom: my moms fine... I went to LA.. I found him because this is fucking stupid and I can't take it anymore

BamBam: I-

Jackson: Yugyeom you..

Mark: he showed up on my brothers door seconds from fainting because he had a panic attack trying to ask for me because he was so scared I wouldn't talk to him or come back and fix this and I'll be damned if I'm not here for the maknae

Youngjae: ... I felt betrayed and when Jaebum got mad at mark it reminded me of our old fight so I lashed out even tho I felt the same way

Mark: you both should have felt that way I suck

Yugyeom: Hyung...

Jaebum: I was scared I lost you and just got mad and took it out on everyone because I was mad at the world... I didn't know what I did to lose you

Mark: you didn't lose me I was coming back I'm just stupid and didn't think I'd get supported so I didn't talk about what I was doing...

BamBam: :(

Jaebum: come home... we all need to talk

Mark: Yug and I are

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