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I love the range of comments from "Why, this is evil, to I love yooou, best everrr" 😂😂i'm doing a lot of narratives rn i hope yOU DON'T MIND


When Mark and Yugyeom both got back to Korea it was tense, Yugyeom was nervous but he was always nervous that was a lovely perk of GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and his panic attack disorder which were tormenting his stress levels at the moment.  Mark was nervous but he had accepted everything, he made the right choice for himself but went about it the wrong way and damaged his relationship in the process because he was scared of being told no and being too weak to go against people who respects wishes.

Both nervous boys walked into the airport tired, jet-lagged, and looking rough in different ways.  Yugyeom looked like he had slept a total of 3 hours the past 2 years and despite not smelling bad Mark didn't look like he had showered in weeks due to his wrinkly clothes, messy tangled hair, and disheveled  untamed, unkept appearance.  They both basically said fuck it while mentally processing everything and it showed.  

"Gyeom-ah.."  Yugyeom stopped walking with Mark and swallowed a lump in his throat, he'd have to talk to Jinyoung, they had to talk things out, and really talk things out about why he didn't go to him or anyone else and he didn't want to.  

Turning around he faced the man he loved who took in his horrible appereance with a gentle smile before reaching forward and brushing his hairs back.  Keeping his hands on the side of the others face he gently rubbed circles on his face with the pad of his thumb as he looked at him, smiling and Yugyeom let go of his worries for a second.

"Relax, it's just me you don't need to be tense with me."  Jinyoung told him calmly reaching down and taking his hand, kissing the back of it he sighed and held his hand to his face, nuzzling it.

"I'm sorry... I- I don't know why.."  Yugyeom sighed and Jinyoung chuckled shaking his head.

"Don't, not here.  I get it more than you think I do.. but we can take our time with you talking it out to me and explaining.  You're the love of my life I understand you pretty damn well Yugyeom."  Jinyoung said and Yugyeom blushed brightly.

"That's not fair..."  He mumbled covering his face and Jinyoung chuckled smiling more, "All is fair in love and war when it comes to making you smile."  He looped his arm around the others waist and pulled his back along with them.

"It's good to see you Hyung, i'm glad you're back."  Jinyoung said smiling at Mark who had been staring out the window nearby.

"Jinyoung.. it's good to see you too."  He smiled his eyes clouded with thoughts but Jinyoung knew he couldn't help him with those sadly.

Yugyeom and Jinyoung dropped Mark off at his place before going back to theirs to get some rest, Jinyoung was going to make Yugyeom sleep for a year.  

Mark took a deep breath before walking up the stairs and into the house, he knew it was going to be hard but he wasn't ever going to be ready.  

Somehow no one being home was worse to him than the house being full of angry fighting, dropping his bag by the door to deal with later he walked into the bedroom and sighed.

Even Coco was gone.  Walking to the bed he grabbed one of Jaebum's hoodies and stripped out of his putting the other's rich woodsy smelling one on and then grabbed Youngjaes hoodie and curled in bed holding it to his face and chest.

Laying on top of the made bed wearing Jaebum's hoodie and hugging Youngjae's hoodie Mark cried.  He cried because of his family annoying him and bothering him, he cried because of his mistake, he cried because he didn't know why he was crying, he just cried, and eventually like that he fell asleep.

Jaebum got home a solid 20 minutes before Youngjae, not long but long enough for  him to notice the bag by the door.  Going into the bedroom he saw Mark and bit his lip, he felt awful for how he acted because of his fears but the other was back.. and here and wearing his hoodie..  Walking closer he sat on the bed and sighed running his fingers through the elder's hair, looking over he noticed Youngjae come in and walk over to sit by them.  Both quiet just watching Mark in shock at how amazing he was, that he was there, and how stupid they were.

"His face has tears on it."  Jaebum whispered and Youngjae sighed rubbing his own face to stop himself from crying.  

"I feel so bad.. I was so bad I was so mean to you and I wasn't there for you or him.."  Youngjae sighed and Jaebum smiled softly.

"I know bubs.. I feel bad too... I wasn't any better."  He sighed.

"I have a fucking degree and i couldn't help."  Youngjae sighed and Jaebum widened his eyes at the other.

"Okay stop hanging out with Jackson.. and Yeah you have a fucking degree so what does that tell you about how hard it is to self therapy yourself and people when the situation involves  you?"  Jaebum said with a slight friendly mocking tone despite the fact he was being serious.

"That you shouldn't do it... and it's self destructive because you are biased and it's hard.."  He grumbled and Mark laughed.

"You're both ridiculous and loud."  

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