Chapter 4

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High school. Either the worst or the best years of your life. For me, high school is the worst thing that could possibly happen, but it's still better than the hell you call home.

I could feel the stares burning through my skull, silently judging me as I walked through the halls. Even though I missed my bus, at least I don't have to deal with the idiots on there. They were tolerable, but that didn't make them kind. If anything, they were far from kind, they are the incarnation of the devil himself.

"Awww, looks like Melody wasn't swift enough to make it to the bus on time." I tended up and turned around to see Clarissa, laughing at her own joke. A basic blonde bitch followed by her gang of dumber bitches.

I clenched my fist, digging into my skin. "What do you want Clarissa? And don't use my last name." I said calmly, calming myself down.

"Tch, how dare you say her name, wh-" Melissa was about to say before being hushed by Clarissa. It's too early to deal with these idiots. I thought as I rolled my eyes. Only the first period and I have to deal with this already.

"Hush Meli, Meli didn't mean to say anything rude, she just has a bad temper. Now I wanted to ask you, can we change locker? I heard that Eric's locker is next to yours, and well... pretty please?" Eric, the schools most popular and hottest boy, also one of my worst tormentors. Of course she would ask that. Wonder what took her so long to figure it out? At least I won't have to deal with him if I switch lockers, but then I have to ask the principal to switch. Aw well, a simple sacrifice to get away from torture.

I sighed and said,"Go ahead, I just need to talk to the principal and it's all yours."

"Awww, thank Mel! You're the best!" She said with a look of victory covering her face. She turned around and left with her gang trailing behind.

Bitch. I thought before walking to history. Joy. It's not that I'm bad at history, if anything I'm in the top five percent of the school. But this class is like the eighth circle of hell, constantly being tortured by the students and the teacher, Mrs. Murphy.

I walked into class walked to a window seat, but no r before someone stuck their leg out, tripping me. Luckily I didn't fall, but that didn't stop anyone from laughing. I clenched and sat down.

Just as the bell rang, a girl ran into the class, huffing. She has red hair and she wore a cute pink dress with white tights. "Sorry! I forgot *huff* where my locker was a-a-and I-I." She was cut short by the teacher. Poor girl, probably new and already getting in trouble. But to my surprise Mrs Murphy smiles instead of giving her usual stare.

"Ahh, Miss King, don't worry about it! It's your first day, so please relax a little. Class this is Emilia King, a transfer student. Please treat her with kindness and respect and help her whenever she needs too." Mrs. Murphy said, reassuring Emilia.

"Sit where we you want, and the person sitting next to her, please hand you're notes to her to copy." She said before getting on with the lesson. Emilia smiled and walked down the desks... to me.

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