Chapter 16: Busy Bee

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This is yet to be edited.

“I’ve got something to tell you,” was the first thing Nairobi told me when she got to school.

“What is it?” I asked as I put my reviewer down on my desk.

She bit her lip. “Don’t be mad, okay?”

What could it have been? We were together, like, just twelve hours ago. I kind of started feeling uneasy.

“Just say it, Nai,” I said.

“Well… I…” she scratched her head. “I didn’t study my reviewer last night.”

A sigh of relief.

“But I had a valid reason!” she exclaimed.

“How valid?” I asked.

“Um… Semi-valid?”

I rolled my eyes. And this was the girl who reminded me to study my reviewer. She put her bag on her desk and pulled her chair closer to me.

“But I’ve got good news,” she smiled.

“I’m listening,” I said as I picked up my reviewer.

“I’ve scored us tickets to OWL CITY’S CONCERT NEXT WEEK!” she burst my eardrums.

“How?” I asked immediately.

“Well, at least act excited before you ask me how I pulled it off,” she poked me. “If you must know, my mom’s husband is apparently chums with one of the organizers, so he called someone who called someone who called someone, and tada!” she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of two tickets to the concert.

“And here I was, thinking you’d show me the actual tickets,” I teased.

“Are you crazy? Those tickets are going to be kept somewhere safe until the night of the concert,” she said and then put her phone back in her pocket.

“So, when’s the concert?”

“Saturday night, so you don’t have an excuse to miss it,” she smiled.

“And where’s the venue?”

“De Leon Resort!”

“Are you serious? That’s like, way outside the city,” I burst her bubble.

“Oh, c’mon. I think that’s why they scheduled it on a Saturday, so people from the city can make it to the event by going there on Friday night,” she said.

“Yeah, and they’d need a place to stay. Smart move on De Leon Resort’s part, they’re gonna be expecting a lot of people this weekend,” I said.

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