Chapter 28

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An impact of disparate feelings overwhelm me, too many to affirm, I simply let them take over my mind, my whole being

Those fierce yet beautiful eyes stare straight into me the second I am in plain sight to his viewing, the longing starts to approach me, longing that he didn't hear a single thing that came out of my mouth just minutes ago, the remarks of my last confession daunts me

Not certain if he apprehended any of it gets the adrenaline pumping to a max, my heart pumping ten times worse, yet I sit there giving myself false hope knowing that disappointment is to come once he confronts me about this whole situation

I was completely wrong when I thought humor would be portraying through his eyes but in reality nothing expresses through him, not a single emotion contradicts through his eyes, his features, just...nothing and that just places me further to the edge, making me wary and anything but calm

It just keeps going, the unannounced staring contest proceed, he knows I'm going to be first to look away, heck, I know I will be first to look away, the small gesture creates a strong intensity I can't unfortunately handle, can't maintain and the cocky jerk knows it!

I inspect his gorgeous face, busted lips, minor cut below his eye, a gash that sears with blood flashing across his eyebrows, and bloody knuckles adding onto his whole demented stance, you would believe how I just complimented him would contrast due to the injuries I just mentioned, but he still looks just as good as he did before and my mouth slightly parts at both the sight and my thoughts

"Young lady, do you possibly know where Mrs.Hurd went?" Mr.Egan, one of the counselors, speak up

I break our eye contact, like I said, to find those light brown eyes searching my own, taking in my situation, bloody tissues in hand and my body leant forward

I look over towards Damien for a moment to find him gazing at my chest before he withdraws his eyes and looks directly at me, his arms crossed over his chest, his biceps enhancing at the position, again, I quickly look away

Feeling as if I no longer have blood dripping out of my nose, I sit up, anticipating that that reduces the chances of Damien from peering at my chest again

"Miss." Mr.Egan calls again, and I realize I haven't respond to his question

"I-I'm sorry, uh sh-she was called t-to the principals of-office a f-few minutes ag-ago" I say, I nervously tap my foot on the waxed floor, the little noise that comes from the small movement barely hearable, or so I thought

Damien eyeballs my foot and I stop, frightened that he will snap at me at any given moment, teacher here or not, he will do what he pleases which is why I wish to leave now. Mr.Egan then slightly turns to him and his expression completely alters from gentle to a scowl

"You will sit down and wait for Mrs.Hurd, if I so much as find out you stood up from this chair without an adult present in this room, 4 days.Do not test me." My eyes widen at the mention of 4 days, Damien carelessly slouches onto the black leathered chair as if the threat of 4 ISS's or possibly even OSS's doesn't effect him or worry him one bit, how can one be so heedless?

"What's your name..." I'm brought back to the conversation in hand

I'm not even suppose to be here.

"Li-Lilian, Lilian Iv-Ivy" I say, not bothering to mention my middle name but only because the need to shorten my answer and extract all attention from me is overpowering

"Well, since you are already here, if you don't mind can you keep an eye on him, maybe even help him with his wounds?" He questions, no. I will be taking my leave back to class

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