Chapter || 1

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" Do you accept this Divorce, Mr. Oberoi? " The magistrate asked looking Shivaay lost in his own thoughts, gazing at walls behind.

" Mr. Oberoi? " Magistrate curiously called him again removing his wide large spectacle and clasping his hands together.

She poked him being impatient . Annika was irritated by his silence, why was he being a snail today. Usually, he seems to scratch and jump up and down, now what just happened? He looked at her startled with a scared expression.Annika nevertheless gestured him to look towards Magistrate.

" Yeah? Sorry, was just zoned out " he cleared his throat letting air pass by his wind pipe.

" Mr. Oberoi, do you accept this Divorce? " Clearly annoyed with his zoning out gesture, Magistrate questioned him again with a frown. There were plenty of pending cases to be resolved, he just can't sit with this Divorce case.Noises from either sides didn't help him either, his ear buds were aching which added on Magistrate's irritation.

" Yes! Yes of course, your honour. " Shivaay told as he saw Annika who sat beside him peeking at her watch and taped her feet.

" Okay! So, do you accept this Divorce, Miss. Raizada" Old man asked Annika same.

Inhaling a heavy breath in, she flared her nostrils. " Yes, your honour. I do agree with this Divorce "

" By law, Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Miss.Annika Singh Raizada are officially granted to have Divorce, after the final hearing on the fifteenth of next month " Magistrate declared with a sigh and grabbed his pen. He wrote down the charge sheet with needed details.

Annika cursed under her breath " Shit! "and went out furiously waving her hear. This was not what she planned; everything went other away.

Shivaay sat there as his eyes stared those grey walls. Was his life grey or just the walls?

" Well, you're coming to Mr. Dave's party, aren't you? " Shivaay came by Annika's side who just ended her call and leaned towards her car.

" Yes, may be!" Annika shrugged while a frown appeared on her face.

" It's so annoying to again be under a same roof" Shivaay huffed his anger out with resulted in Annika's glare.

" And why do you think I'll love to?" his taunt was on her ego and Annika wouldn't let go a chance to give it back, especially when it's her to be ex-husband.

" I will happily get screwed up in jail if I had an option. " Shivaay dramatically sighed with a tint of smirk on his face. She can never win.

'What an ass!' Annika's brain screamed. " I'll get screwed up and die there only if I had a choice " Annika rejoiced in her mind for this beautiful dialogue with a tight lipped smile and flipped her hair.

'God, this girl and her attitude!' He cursed.

"I'm surprised! A woman like you should demand an alimony from her husband but you didn't "his curiosity finally took form. Shivaay was obvious about her money mind, greed and selfishness. Little did he know the truth.

" Apparently I should, but my law firm's turnover is ten crores per firm. So, I don't need your alimony. May be, you might need mine " Her devilish smirk always made him annoyed, she gave him back unlike others. It keeps hitting his ego brain. She drove off in her black sleek car and he was left gaping at the retreating vehicle.

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