| The Kiss |

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"Shanaya confessed that herself and Mr. Oberoi were having an affair. And Mr. Oberoi loves her and wants a divorce from our relationship. " Anika declared making Shivaay stumble looking at the girl in front. She knew everything , she held so much inside her and never once told anything to him.

" Was it a reason for filing a divorce in court ? " questioned Daksh.

" Yes! But not because of the affair which Shanaya stated. " she declared looking straight at Shivaay who had tears , hurt , pain in his eyes.

" Then ? "Daksh asked in confusion , were he thought he could prove Shivaay guilty and finish the case , now Anika has to come and ruin the whole thing.

" Because she told Mr. Oberoi loves her " her one sentence made Shivaay tear up , what was this? what was life throwing on him? the girl whom he thought was the worst one , whom he never did consider in his life. Is the one who actually knew him.



" Why ?" Shivaay whispered sitting opposite to Anika in the meeting room.

" uhh " Anika came out of her thoughts listening to him.

" Why would you hide this from me ? You met Shanaya! you knew about the imaginary affair she was talking about ! why didn't you just " his anger reached peek making him push his chairs backwards standing up.

" Tell me.. "his voice was low and soft making her look directly in his eyes.

" What do you want me to tell ? that your ex-girlfriend came to me telling you love her and was having an extra marital affair, is it true ? should I ask you that ? " Anika asked with patience draining.

" Did you give me the right to question you ? Did you ever at least treat me as a friend to come and tell you ?" she asked furiously reaching him. He looked at his wife who was red in anger , her red face made him look at her without blinking.

" Two year , it's been two years Shivaay ! Did you ever talk to me properly , did you ever treat me as human being? haan? Have you ever spoken to me properly without any of your tantrums and smirks? Tell me a day when you spoke to me properly ? " she shouted letting out her frustration.

" When I tried talking , you treated me like a shit ignoring me! how the hell do you expect me to come talk to you ? haan ?  tell me ? " she held his collars shaking him , nothing went into his brains except his wife who finally lost her calm today.

Not even once he saw Anika loosing her cool in these years because of his taunts and ignorance. Just because she never showed , it doesn't mean she feels anything. Now he understood what she felt , her questions were daggers in his heart.

" When you don't talk to me about anything, how will I know what is in your heart Shivaay? When you don't even trust me to talk properly how do you expect me to know what you want , what you need ? How will I know Shivaay " Anika's eyes automatically started tearing up , soon she blinked rapidly to not play week in front of him . But for Shivaay he started noticing everything related to her from the day she believed him without any proof.

" She came to me telling me you love her ! How can I not believe her when I knew she was your Ex ? Okay , I didn't believe affair part but then I can not ignore what she told. Even you weren't showing any sign of denial .When didn't you even try informing ,then how do you expect me to not think about the possibilities of your love for her. " Anika loosened her hold on his collars.

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