| The family friends |

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Anika left out a deep breathe sitting in the cafe. Why was Tej arguing with Ronith? On the first place why does Tej meet Ronith? Till she knows they both didn't share any business relation , then what matter do they have to talk?. Casual associates do not argue over something , why were they arguing?

Something was missing , the missing part of the puzzle which could solve the whole case easily. May be , she isn't seeing the missing piece. It has to hurry up before Shivaay gets punished

" Bhabhi let's leave! " Om came sitting ahead figuring Anika from far.He has been stuck in office because of his father's sudden disappearance. Damn it! Can't that man forget his stupid secretory and concentrate on business.

"Om sit down. I need you to answer some of my questions " Anika knew questioning Om could bring her out of the maze or push her more inside.Om can reveal some thing which she doesn't know apart from Shivaay's life , it might be a help for this case.

" What is it Bhabhi? " Om was curious now , why was Anika Bhabhi wants to question him. About what ? was that about Shivaay? How will he know?

Shivaay was always so private about his life , neither did Shivaay tell anything about his life nor did he pressured him to answer. It's not like Om never asked his brother Shivaay about his life but he never shared anything with him.

" Om do you know how Ronith is related to Oberois ? Are they friends or business partners something like that? " She didn't know if she will  get an answer which will help her , still she took the call.

" Ronith? Who is he ? I don't know him Bhabhi " Looking at Om , Anika didn't find any kind of lie or something. May be, he really didn't know.

" It's him Om! Do you know him Ronith Luthra " her hand held a picture of him from her phone.

" He is Shanaya's husband right? I did see him court '' Om has seen him more of the time in court sitting beside their bench.He looked weird , Rudra and himself thought may be he was in pain and guilt.

" Yeah! Do you know  is he any how related to Tej uncle or somebody else in family?" Anika was adamant on her instinct . Om might give her some clue.

" No Bhabhi I don't think so. " Again it was a dead end to her , what shall she do now? How will she even proceed to the case.

"Okay! Let's leave Om " He knew what Anika's eye held. The helplessness which was lost for some moments came back again. Now he felt bad for turning down the hopes of his sister in law held. Think Om,think Om.

" Bhabhi what was his last name ? " One point stoke his mind the minute Anika got up.

"Luthra , Ronith Luthra " she said again sitting down.

"I don't know if Ronith has some relationship with Oberoi's or not. But Luthra's and Oberoi's were family friends a decade back or something. Dadi used to tell us Luthra's would stay here during long holidays or we will stay there." This revelation made Anika ponder , it may not create a great impact but still it might make some changes.

" And also I remember dad getting more calls of from some Luthra. I don't know if that Luthra is Ronith or not but the second name was Luthra" This ringed a bell in Anika's brain.

" When was it Om? Precisely when? " asked an overwhelmed Anika . This might surely bring her into some end points of maze.

" It was during..umm.. ah it was when Shivaay was arrested " That's it Ronith did have some strings. Now she knew something was up. Tej uncle did have something to do with Shanaya's murder mystery.

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