| Known Affair |

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Ashish , really ? is he the one behind Shanaya's murderer? did he do it ? No,no he is my brother how can he do it ? No way screamed Anika's heart not willing to see her brother as an accused.

Not in her dreams she ever thought she would face a situation like this. Her thoughts didn't stop from the moment she smelled the same fragrance on Ashish , while he hugged Anika.

Her brain did no good to in clearing her confusion. It indeed increased her confusion , her brain was shouting against the heart . How did he have the same special perfume , none of the brands resemble the fragrance except his. It's him whispered her lawyer brain.

Anika was in her thoughts in front of the police station with a cigarette in her mouth taking puffs, while her heart and brain were fighting a war inside . Her face had a neutral expression as if nothing bothered her.

" Leave this and tell me what's troubling you ? " questioned a voice taking the cigarette from her lips and crushing under his shoes.

" When did you come ? " asked Anika coming out of her thoughts and straightening up.

" When you were too lost in smoking " he taunted with a small smile playing on his lips. The same moment she averted her gaze from him , she was not able to lie in front of him. This shouldn't be the case , she shouldn't be afraid of lying to him.

" Nothing, let's go " she declared moving towards the driver's side.

" Can I drive ? " he asked looking at her still lost some where and hiding it from him. He received a throw of keys.

" How did you get my bail ? " he asked not wanting her to pressurize her more for telling him.

"They approved seeing the ill condition of Dadi " she told looking at front .

" WHY ? " he asked with his voice being chocked. Shivaay was shocked listening to Anika , did she by any chance lied about Dadi's condition?

" Why would you lie on this issue ? " Shivaay asked with a tinge of anger. May be , she lied for releasing him but still she can't tell a lie like that.

" What? I didn't lie. It's the truth. Dadi is really unwell " she snapped looking at him.

" Really ?" he asked with those innocent eyes.

" Of course yes! how did you think I would lie upon this? I wouldn't have bailed even if she fell ill. But she wants to see you apparently, Dadi thinks  her time has come and wants to see you " she told gazing out.

" But she hates me " he fought his tears which was rolling down.

" Shivaay, I know you are hurt as she accused you. She repents for not trusting you , the realization hit her when she saw me speaking to the paparazzi  and the guilt was eating her. Now she wants to see you , don't punish her at this time" Anika held his hands which was on the gear. He gazed her gulping down the hard lump and anger. Shivaay nodded looking ahead.

" Om and Rudra called me yesterday asking me to visit Oberoi Mansion. I denied but they insisted , then dadi came on line requesting me to bring you out. I couldn't deny hearing her reasons " Anika finished reciting the flash back. Not one reaction passed his face. She knew he was trying to forget and visit dadi. He needs time.

" Shivaay " shouted Pinky seeing Shivaay and Anika standing in front of the gate. She ran hugging her son tightly trying to show her love. Anika gazed up at Shivaay who was stiff not hugging back his mother , his face devoid of any emotion.

"Come in " she parted away asking him to move inside.

" umm" Anika cleared her throat gaining his attention , with questioning eyes he looked at her.

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