Chapter || 4

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Shivaay's car speed made Annika sweat, this was not his usual driving. He drove as if Shivaay was drunk but in reality, he never drives when he was in liquor. Annika had driven him when he was drunk. Annika knew it's being difficult for him to deal with, his family's mistrust, it was hurting him terribly. Fact that his own family was not supportive and did not know him broke everything in him.

The most heart breaking was his brothers turned their back. Shivaay always considered Omkara and Rudra as his own sons and when they decided to not trust him, Shivaay lost his everything. He at least had some faith from Omkara and Rudra but unfortunately, they proved Shivaay wrong. This was not his family, not which he dreamed of. No! This wasn't. Annika had her heart in hands till Shivaay reached his flat.


The whole flat in the top floor contained darkness. Everything was dark, except one soul who was on floor with his companion.

Annika entered an open flat slowly, she could see curtains were closed and lights were switched off. They were going to part ways and still Annika was behind Shivaay, she didn't have an answer to questions raised in her brain. Why was it so difficult of her to let go Shivaay?

She stepped in wondering when he bought this disserted flat. Pitch black surroundings welcomed her towards a figure sitting down leaning to a couch. Annika moved towards him and kneeled to his level sighing.

" Shivaay, it's enough. Leave that! "Annika tried her best to snatch his bottle but in vain. He was adamant holding on to it.

"Why...why do you ca... care? " Shivaay shuttered in his drunken voice. Annika was intolerable towards his drunk smell which her nose immediately.

" Alcohol will not solve your problems, Shivaay. Leave it now! "

" Who are you to me? When my whole family doesn't care, why do you care? You will also leave me some day just like them. So, leave now only, go!" Shivaay shouted in resentment, gulping hard content in. Annika didn't know how to handle an emotional Shivaay. It seemed for her to grip a rude and mean one than present one. Shivaay would bring in his attitude and Annika will easily give it back. But emotional Shivaay was unpredictable.

" Shivaay, they are your family. It's just they didn't know exact truth was and reacted unfavourably." Annika tried installing some belief on his family. She never wanted separate the Oberoi Family.

" Family! Family" A dry chuckle which he left, did something inside her stomach. He proved her defeat of installing.

" Even you didn't know the truth till I revealed it to you, still you believed me. At least, you didn't conclude I was a murder like them. A stranger can believe me, why can't my family?" Shivaay broke the glass kicking it in anger. His frustration, betrayal and emotion riled him totally." Is this even called a family? " At last, his tears made way out after weeks of stuffing.

" Shivaay, don't say that! They are just angry. You know, how much everyone needs you, right" Annika told settling in front of him on the floor. Okay! She was challenged now. This was her responsibility to handle an over drunk, broken and a vulnerable Shivaay.

" Exactly Annika! All need me but they don't love to trust me" Shivaay had his voice filled with hurt.

" You know Annika, I really prioritized them more than anything in this world. I would run around taking care of everyone's need. Om, Ru, they were my life but today they showed me what real life was. Dadi, who practically brought me up thought I would do such a disgusting thing? If she doesn't trust me, fair enough but, she could have trusted her upbringing, right? Why Annika? Why? My mom, what will I tell about her she didn't care about me for once in my childhood." This piece was a new information for Annika. She thought Shivaay was a Mumma's boy. Most of the times she has seen Pinky ordering and Shivaay accepting it without a word. Little did she know it was expenses what Pinky ordered Shivaay.

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