Chapter || 7

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"Don't you even dare! I never gave anyone the right to slap my wife." Shivaay was raged seeing what was about to happen. Annika popped her eyes out watching Shivaay in between Tej and her. Om and Rudra were shocked as Shivaay took a stand for their Bhabhi, first time in his life.

"How dare you?" shouted Tej fuming.

"No one has any right slap my wife, including me. Then who the hell are you?" Shivaay asked pushing Tej's hand roughly. Never once Shivaay physically or mentally abused Annika. Yes, he doesn't like her but never disrespects her. Annika was literally gawking at Shivaay in pure surprise.

"Shivaay, for this girl, you are standing against us?" A silent Jhanvi decided to talk when her husband's respect was at stake.

"This girl is my wife, Mrs.Oberoi"

" Ma, you are watching? This guy is standing against his family for some random girl? Can't this be a proof for his crime. If he can defame us going against family, why can't he be a murderer? I'm sure he can go to any extent for his need " Tej taunted pointing at Shivaay and looking at Dadi. This was a perfect chance to defame Shivaay in front of his son's eyes and kick out from Oberoi Empire. Tej would never let go this chance in life.

"And Annika, you told me, right? That I have an affair, how sure are you that Shivaay doesn't have any affair? If you forgot, let me remind you, Shanaya was his ex-girlfriend. Who knows, he might have slept with her for a number of times." Tej's accusation were disgusting and cheap. Shivaay had to close his eyes, to keep his calm

" Mr. Oberoi! " shouted Annika furiously in anger." Have some shame, he is like your son! " she told in a low hurtful tone. She never imagined Tej to be so hard on Shivaay. Not that she hasn't seen Tej daily taunts to Shivaay. Annika was a witness but didn't expect him to stoop so low.

"Why should I be ashamed, dear? I'm just recalling his past and he is not my son. He cannot be my son; such a disgusting human can never be my son" He had a look of shit in his eyes while Tej uttered those words piercing Shivaay's heart.

"Yeah, and you are even more disgusting than him" Annika countered in anger bubbling in her veins.

" Annika, this is not the way you talk to elders" Dadi who was silently looking at the scenario decided to come in when her son was illtreated by a young woman.

" Dadi, this no way a manner to talk to my husband" Annika declared making Shivaay open his mouth in shock. He first never expected her to take his case and now she is fighting with his whole family. Annika stood beside him when his own family ditched.

"Wait. Wait, was I missing something? You knew about his affair, right! And you kept quiet, why? Was it because you couldn't give what he wanted? So, he went in search of other women? Or was it because you had your own affair with some other guy" Shivaay shook in anger hearing Tej. His Bade Papa doesn't like him and was tarnishing him, fair enough. But why was Annika pulled in between this dirt.

"Enough!" he paused "Enough not a word more against my wife, Mr. Oberoi. You can spit anything on me but not a word to my wife. I'll make you will repent your words terribly. "Tej now knew, he had crossed limit line of Shivaay Singh Oberoi. There was thin line in between Shivaay and Shivaay Singh Oberoi. And he was standing close to the latter.

"Pray god, your age is high otherwise, you will be facing hell for whatever you spoke to my wife" Shivaay came near Tej pointing a finger at him. As a human he was never going to leave anyone to point a finger on Annika's character also may be, as a husband deep down.

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