| Epilogue |

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" Sir? Shivaay sir? " Constable Raghav was calling a lost Shivaay inside the lock up. He was seeing Shivaay from the past one month. Neither did he show any rich tantrums nor did he spoke to anyone. Except for his brothers who visited him weekly twice, he didn't talk a word to anyone.

Something else caught Raghav's attention in the whole one month. Why didn't Annika come to visit Shivaay? She was the one who fought as if her life was at stake, then why didn't she once visit him.

" Sir, today is your release date. " Raghav just wondered why wasn't this man reacting to anything. Usually the prisoners here rejoice on their day of release, why was this man alone moody? To his surprise Shivaay started smiling slowly, eventually ending up in a wide smile.

Shivaay had this nervousness in him, he even is scared to go outside. What does his life hold now? How much ever he tells he will be fine without Anika if she was happy, his heart doesn't accept the lies his mouth spills. He might be fine but not be happy.

In this one month he knew how much Anika mattered to him, how she helps him breathing Oxygen. What will he do now if she didn't come to visit him? Even though, now Shivaay has his brothers, the void he feels without Anika is irreplaceable.

In this dire lonely four walls, the moments he spent with Anika was his only way of survival. Even now the decision he took, to run away on the previous day of hearing was the best. If he didn't have those memories, Shivaay might have lost his will to live.

" You seem to be scared! " Raghav asked giving him accessories after he came out of the remand room.

" I'm nervous" Shivaay stole glances from him, tying his wrist watch. Whatever it might be, the guy standing ahead is still his wife's brother. How much brothers do she even have

" For what? " what was this man confused for? He is anyway out now.

" I asked your sister to come today if she wants to give our relationship a chance. I don't know" Shivaay took a deep breath preparing himself for the worst. May be, this might be the end of his romantic life.

As expected Raghav narrowed his eyes suspiciously like an elder brother. Shivaay didn't fear but still acted to gulp.

" Another time I see you troubling my sister, the consequences will be really bad" Oh see, even this guy transformed into the scary brother type. Whereas Shivaay nodded meekly.

"I'm happy you gave a chance to my advice" Raghav patted Shivaay's arm hesitantly. To his shock Shivaay pulled him to a proper hug.

"Thank you" he whispered parting from the hug and moving ahead.

His expectation was to see Anika in the police station for finishing the procedures. To his dismay it was Ashish, Shivaay's irritating yet protective brother in law.

" Mr. Oberoi, your sign over here " the inspector pointed towards a sheet. Ashish smirked at Shivaay who rolled his eyes seeing Ashish's unreasonable tantrum.



" Congratulation! It's a girl. The baby is fine, mother is also fine but needs ample rest. Otherwise both are hale and healthy" The doctor informed the woman in front.

" By the way, may I know your relation with the patient?" further the doctor asked the huffed-out lady.

" I'm not related doctor, just helped her to reach the hospital " she didn't have any relation with the pregnant women who was fallen on the road and crying in pain. No one helped her instead they were all watching her cries and pain.

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