| The Fragrance|

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" Bhabhiii, no " shouted Om holding a struggling Anika who was trying to jump into the fire which blasted just a moment back. This wasn't what she expected , the whole case would have been dissolved if that one evidence was submitted in court.

But here everything vanished in thin air with in minutes. Each ounce of evidence which was hoping would save Shivaay was slowly fading , something wasn't right.

Anika was now sure about one thing! There is something, which she isn't able to see or she is seeing it but is not able to identify . All hopes of evidences faded except the lingering smell which she felt each time she neared an evidence.

The same smell which haunted her from the time she discovered Shanaya's cloths and accessories , that smell has the solution to all her problems , confusions and solution.

" No! no, Bhabhi don't go there " shouted Rudra in panic trying to control her who was jumping and wriggling in Om's tight hold around her waist.

" Leave me Om, leave " she shouted frustrated not feeling Om leaving her.

" The evidence is inside the security room,  Leave me. I will go get it " she again tried coming out of his hold.

" Bhabhi " shouted Om and Rudra who was holding her shoulders and bringing her back to reality.

" It's burnt " whispered Rudra holding her tight.

" No " Anika whispered with tears lining her eyes ,  she can not cry in front of Shivaay's brothers.His brothers , who think only she can bring Shivaay out no matter what. If not for them she needs to hold on Shivaay.

It's not the first time she is facing these situations , hundreds and thousands have appeared way worst than this. The aftermath of this one left an impact  which hundreds didn't once give her. Every single thing clouded her mind , nothing was working properly as of now.

She felt scared for the first time to witness the loss of hope  One principle she always believed in
'Think thousand times before entering , once you enter not a single second thought should arise.'

The same sentence ringed in her mind once told by her father. Determination flashed in her heart as well as brain . What ever might happen she is not going to give up neither on Shivaay nor the case.

" I'm fine " Anika whispered yet it was stern for Om to leave her. Now he believed strongly on her, she wouldn't jump in to the fire.

" Guys! I think you should leave , nothing is left now .  I need to start from scratch " Anika uttered looking at the other side.

Om and Rudra were sure enough to feel her holding up for their brother and themselves. Indeed their Bhabhi is way to strong.

" No bhabhi! We are not going to leave you now, not at this point of time. " told Om looking straight at Anika who snapped looking at him.

" Exactly Bhabhi! Even if it's to start from the scratch , we want to help you and be there for you." Ever so joyful Rudra told with sincerity and seriousness in his voice , amusing Anika.

" No Om Ru , this one is risky and dangerous than I thought. The case needs little bit of my attention. And I really don't want to push you guys in danger. " immediately Anika reasoned out fearing for their safety. Will her brother in laws listen? No, never.

" You yourself tell it's dangerous , then you expect us to stay away and watch. Not happening Bhabhi. " Om held the authoritative which he till date never used in front of her.

" Also if by  any chance Bhaiya comes to know , we left you alone after this particular incident. Then for sure he will shoot us. " Rudra came up with his ever green talent of changing atmosphere. Even before she could deny they two dragged her towards an open tea stall.

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