| Drunk and Drive |

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" Where is this girl?" Came a women shouting and startling Anika who was in call.

" Pinky Aunty you!" She sounded shocked seeing her in front. Shivaay didn't take seconds to figure his mother's voice.

" Anika don't hang the call" he whispered to himself desperately.

Anika almost lost her thoughts about the call looking at Pinky barging inside, along side Rudra trying to stop and calm her down. Shivaay had the urge to protect Anika from his own mother, who was stubborn to insult his wife.

" Mrs. Oberoi what can I do for you? " asked Anika ever soo sternly and calm making Shivaay frown.

" It's all because of you , my son is jail now. " declared Pinky spitting venom in front of Anika

" Choti ma, what are you talking? Please stop it " tried Rudra to stop Pinky from talking unnecessarily.

" Why? why should I stop it? Can't you see Rudra everything is happening because of this girl, who is acting innocent now " shouted Pinky irritating Anika.

" Mrs. Oberoi, could you please elaborate your accusation " the coldness in her voice and her sarcasm made Shivaay chuckle . Trust his wife she could turn as ice in a second after an emotional moment.

" You bloody, " Pinky raised her hand trying to slap her , in a moment her hand was hanging in air.

" Don't you think you will suffer when this action of yours succeeds " Anika asked looking at Pinky's hand .

" If you weren't there in my son's life, he would have at least been happy with Shanaya who he loved . Now because of you he is suffering in jail." Pinky uttered with anger laced in her voice.

" His life would have been set, if you left his life before itself. He would have been married happily again now he would have had his kid , his blood with him " shouted Pinky with tears in his eyes.

" Shanaya was pregnant with Shivaay's baby " declared Pinky with out even knowing the truth.

" With my grand kid. If you weren't there I would have become a Dadi,its all because of you. Mark my words Anika, you will never be happy in your life. You will regret spoiling my son's life " Pinky lashed out at Anika .

Anika's eyes laced with tears which she rapidly blinked eating it up.

"Bhabhi.. " whispered Rudra looking at Anika after Pinky left still shouting at Anika .

" Go with her "Anika told sternly looking at the figure ,who just went out. That's when she saw her Shivaay still on call.

" Oh shit " she muttered under her breath ,

" Shivaay " she whispered taking her phone. But the next moment her line went dead. She knew some thing wasn't right with the way Shivaay declined her call.



Shivaay was in his thoughts looking at the ceiling of his remand room , his thoughts surrounded Anika and only Anika. Nothing was going inside his mind except Anika. Why didn't she talk back as she used to , this was a surprise to him . Why the hell didn't she talk back.

The sudden hustle bustle in the row of his remand room caught his attention . Raghav dragged a girl with him , Shivaay didn't have any interest knowing the girl. The girl was pushed into the lock up .

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