| The Heart |

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"Hey, show me the same way you showed  the man before three months" Anika caught hold of the host whom she previously, used to invade the security room.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" The host lied on her face without even thinking twice, her patience was already slipping it's way.

"Listen, I don't have much time to argue with you and bring out the truth. I have the evidence, the video evidence where that guy bribed  and you showed him the way. Now will you show? "his eyes widened knowing the dead end, without any other statement he went ahead and Anika followed him smirking.

The host made way towards the ground floor turning left reaching the basement. The whole basement had cars parked in a neat tidy row. He went in between the cars reaching to the end. There appears a wooden door latched. The door got unlatched, moving in she could see double stand beds arranged neatly in a row. Moving the cupboard which was placed in a corner, he moved it slightly.

Anika gaped in shock looking at man again unlatching a hidden door behind the place where the cupboard was previously placed.

"If you go inside, you will reach to back side of the hotel" The host announced looking a bit scared at Anika who masked her shock.

" Ho..how did you find it? "mentally shocked Anika couldn't think of the way, these people found a secretive way.

"I don't know! This was already present here behind the cupboard. Accidentally I moved it for cleaning one day and found the door. In curiosity I went in one day and at last I found myself standing at the back of the hotel. "hearing the host's secret, she stood there with open mouth.

"o..oh thank you" honestly her throat went dry hearing the host. She went ahead inspecting the tunnel.

"Ha , here" she again placed few noted on his palms making him gape seeing the lottery he had today early morning.

Anika went ahead just looking around the tunnel, her heart thumping loud seeing the darkness ahead.

"No Anika, you can't fall weak now. For Shivaay you need to face it" the mumbling went on and on going through the tunnel. The whole way was filled with spider webs, bat webs and hell a lot of dust.

"Why isn't the door opening?" her palms pushed the wooden door for it to open.

"Argh" she pushed the door with all her might, giving a hard push with both the arms. The door flung open making her breath hitched.

"Damn "Anika cursed in a whisper coming out and looking at the road linking outside the hotel.

"Woah" her laugh was sarcastic and in shock.



"How dare you Mr. Oberoi? how dare of you to run away from the jail? " the inspector shouted seeing Shivaay with Ashish at the entrance of the court.

"Do you? you put all of us under pressure? You don't have any idea; I was on the edge of losing me job!  "he went ahead grabbing his hands and pulling him towards the court.

"No wonder you're accused for murdering the girl. A business man like you need to be punished, filthy, greedy, selfish and a womanizer" The inspector couldn't complete listening to Ashish's shout.

"That's enough now! "Ashish grabbed Shivaay's wrists and pulling towards himself.

"Who are you to accuse him Mr. Rane? Your job is to just arrest him ,not to talk shit about him. And how do you know he is a murdered. Until and unless he is punished, you're no one to degrade and insult him. Stay in your limits Inspector Rane" he defended Shivaay like an elder brother would do to his younger one. Like a best friend would do to his friend.

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