What a weird dream

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Hey guys, this is my first fanfic actually it's my first ever story, but i hope you enjoy it.
I also don't own any Rick Riordan books or any of these characters except for Nora.

My whole life I've slept peacefully next to my amazing mum with happy dreams, but this one was different and weird. In the dream I see a beautiful young girl who has long black curly hair that was messy, as if she didn't bother sorting it out and I could already tell she was the lazy type. Her hair was even curlier than mine, can you imagine. Anyway, she wore some cute matching Pjs of Aurora, sleeping beauty, her eyes were dark brown but you couldn't see the emotions of her eyes because it was covered by a rectangular shaped purple glasses. She also had dimples whenever she smiles or cries which I found cute. She was about 5 years old so around the same age as me.

The girls was walking up the stairs slowly and quietly as if she's spying on someone. When she reached the top she peeked through the key hole of a closed door to what seemed like a bedroom. Inside I could hear two people shouting at each other. 'You don't care about us or spend time with your own kids, all you do is work'. Is what I assumed to be a women, was shouting at a man who replied with, 'How else am I supposed to pay for the kids, buy food and pay for the rent of the house that we are living in'.
The small girl was ease dropping on her PARENTS. I finally put the pieces together and suddenly found that 2 younger girls and boy were also listening to the conversation. One looked about 3 years old with chubby cheeks and wavy mid-length hair, the boy looked around 2 years old with brown wavy hair hazel eyes and cheekbones, while the youngest of the 3 was about 1 year with short straight hair.

Since they were all together I figured that they were siblings but they looked nothing alike.
I didn't understand how 2 parents can fight while their kids were trying to listen to the conversation, it was wrong. I felt bad for the sisters for having to grow up in a household like that. I was lucky to at least have my mum to myself and live in a healthy environment, if you call living with dangerous tools and machine parts and grease covering the floors is a healthy environment.
I was brought back from my reverie when the older sibling tried to push her sisters away from the scene and protect them because they were too young to listen to this. I adored how the girl wanted to protect her siblings it was so touching.
Finally they all went back downstairs. The two younger sisters and brother were playing together with toy dolls in a room right next to the kitchen and the stairs leaving the older sister out.

I walked into another room that was small next to the room where the younger siblings were playing so I assumed that was the play room and found myself in a living room with one sofa made for three on the right side and a sofa for one person on the left. A fireplace was in the middle against the wall. In the corner next to the sofa meant for one was a flat screen TV that was switched off. On the sofa on the left I noticed that the older sister was sitting with her legs up to her chest and head buried in her arms, not able for me to look at her cute face.
Even though I knew this was a dream I couldn't help but say something and hope that she hears it. I asked 'are you okay?'. To my surprise she heard what I said and looked up.

OMG! She's crying. Her eyes were red and puffy while her cheeks had tear stains. I don't know what to do. I'm not good when it comes to comforting people especially girls.

With a mix of a scared expression and confused, she asked 'Who are you?' She said with a British accent which surprised me. Wait am I in England, OMG this is huge. I've never left my home town much rather leave and travel to another country on another CONTINENT.

I didn't know what to do so I did something really dumb hoping she would believe me, but she seemed like a smart kid. 'I'm one of Santa's best and most handsome elves, he wanted to check in on you and see if you were ok with your parents because he wouldn't want to see his favourite kid cry'. I explained. This was the dumbest thing I've ever done.

She looked at me as if I was crazy, but I couldn't blame her. ' Do you really expect me to believe Santa's real, sure you do look like an elf but Santa doesn't exist'. I was surprised about what she said, she doesn't believe in Santa. How can she say something like that? I felt bad for her even more for not believing in something that made every kid happy.
After a lot of convincing about Santa being real, she finally believed me. This time I'm going to start slow. So I sat down on the sofa opposite her and asked her 'what's your name?' She replied with 'my name is none of your business'.

Wow sassy much, well I couldn't blame her for not trusting me. So I decided that I would go first, 'okay sassy pants, well my name is Leo Valdez, bad boy supreme at your service'. I said with a wink.
She laughed, she laughed at what I said. This made me so happy. I couldn't explain why but it did. 'Nora, my name is Nora' she said. That's such a beautiful name.
'And don't ever call me sassy pants' she added while giving me the death glare. I laughed and promised to not call her that again.
After we were done laughing I decided to become more serious and ask her what's wrong.

'I don't want to talk about it' she said trying hard to fight those tears from falling. I didn't want to push it but I had to because it's not good to keep it inside, that's what my mum told me.

I finally got her to talk, she explained to me how she felt like she was the reason her parents were fighting and how she felt like it would be better and easier for her parents if she didn't exist. She had a lot of self doubt that she carried and at such a young age. I couldn't sympathise because I've never experienced this but I wanted to try and understand how she felt. I kept telling her how everything happens for a reason and that she was brought to this world to do great things in the future which I truly believed in. I told her how she's lucky to have sisters that would help her along the way and that they should stick together no matter what because they are the people who will understand you and will never leave your side.

After a long chat with Nora, the place was dissolving away and I remembered that I was dreaming. Everything had felt so real as if I was really there.
Before I could wake up I gave Nora a hug and told her 'always remember me when your sad, and remember what I said, you matter, ok'.
'Yeah cause when I remember you all I want to do is puke and let it all my guts out' she said in a sarcastic tone, which only made me like her more.
Before I could wake up I heard her say something really quietly 'thank you'.

And with that I woke up to a loud crash in the workshop where my mum was working on a project, so I got up and decided to go and help her. But what I didn't know was that, that was going to be one of the last happy moments with my mum.

How did you guys like the first chapter was it good? If you guys have any thoughts on how to improve it please tell me in the comments. I hope you guys enjoyed my first opening to the story I have a lot in store for you guys.

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