part one ↓

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"Officer O'Neil, do you have any information about the recent Foot Clan attacks?"

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"Officer O'Neil, do you have any information about the recent Foot Clan attacks?"

"At the moment, we do not. But, we have 24/7 access to all surveillance, so we can track them down if it spots anything."

The roaring of the crowd uprised again, news reporters begging to get the question out. Officer Madison O'Neil stood nervously, hoping that she would get the message out to the people. Madison picked on another reporter as they stood and stated their name:

"Alexis Bradley of the Today show; my question is: when you do find the Foot Clan, or their hide out, could the Shredder be there with them?"

"We believe so. Shredder is the leader of the Foot Clan, so he commands them. If we can find the Foot Clan, we can find Shredder."

The crowd roared again, Madison spotting a familiar face in the crowd and chose them to state their question.

"April O'Neil of Channel 6 news; my question for you is when you capture Shredder, do you think the Foot Clan will still uprise?"

"Great question, Miss O'Neil," Madison said with a bright smile, in which April sent one back. "And yes, we do believe they will still uprise. They won't stop unless Shredder, hypothetically speaking, dies. No further questions, thank you."

Madison walked away from the podium and sat back down in her seat next to her partner, Officer Gabrielle Sanchez, and Sergeant Daniel Kane.

"Thank you for your time.."

"Maddie!" Madison walked down the stairs and met her older sister at the bottom of them. "Hey, April."

"You did good up there. I know you were nervous."

"Hell, yeah. I was sweating so much, I thought I was crying." Madison exaggerated as April laughed.

"O'Neils!" Both sisters turned and saw Vern waiting for them at the news van.

"Hey Vern."

"Officer O'Neil. You look good." Vern said as Madison rolled her eyes. "And you still look like a human nerd."

"Ouch." Vern said with fake hurt while placing his hand over his chest.

"Yo, O'Neil!" Madison turned and saw Gabrielle approach. " 'Sup guys. O'Neil, they need us on patrol in 10."

"On my way." Gabrielle nodded before running off, leaving her to look at April and Vern. "Guess I better go. Maybe we can raincheck that get-together tomorrow night?"

"Definitely. I have a report to do anyway." April admitted before Madison nodded. "Well, see you guys tomorrow. Don't get yourself caught up in any Foot Clan activity."

"Can't make any promises, but I'll try." April said while hugging her younger sister. Madison pulled away after a moment before she walked away to the patrol cars.

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