part three ↓

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Madison heard as she held her gun high. She came up against a wall and peeked over and saw people sitting lined up against the wall and along the platform of the tracks. April was on the ground near an elderly woman, slowly pulling out her phone.

"No, don't do it, April. Don't do it." Madison whispered softly as April began to take a picture of the woman who both Madison and Gabrielle knew was Karai, Shredder's accomplice.


A flash was seen and Karai immediately looked at April, her gun held high as she approached.

"You! Stand up! Now!" Karai yelled as Madison's heart began to pound violently.

"Freeze! Drop your weapon now!" Madison shouted after coming from around the corner. Karai looked up and pointed her gun at Madison. Before she could shoot at her, Madison pulled her trigger, popping the gun out of Karai's hands.

"Take her!" Foot soldiers began coming at Madison and she placed her gun back in it's holster. "Stay behind me, Sanchez!"

Madison went up to the soldiers, kicking two of them in the face. One came at her with a knife and she kicked out of his hands before elbowing him in the ribs and knocking him of his feet. Two more came at her, one hit her in the face with their fist, which caused her to spit out some blood.

"You may be tougher than you look, but so am I." Madison punched him in the gut before headbutting him. The other one she grabbed by the face and connected her knee to his face.

"You're good, but I'm better." Karai said while unveiling her blade. Before Madison could say anything else, the lights in the subway station went out. It was dark, but Madison looked to her left and saw a large dark shadow on the other side of the tracks.

"Actually, Karai, you have 'bigger' problems to deal with." Madison said before a subway train went by and the lights from the cars illuminated in the room, giving enough light for Madison to see Karai.

Out of nowhere, something pushed her into the wall, knocking her unconscious. Another took out the remaining Foot soldiers, quickly tying them with rope.

"You're coming with us." One of them said before Madison was knocked unconscious.

"Maddie! Maddie!" April shouted as she looked through the crowd of people that were running out of the station. "Madison!"

"April?" April turned around and saw Gabrielle slightly pushing pass people to get to her partner's sister. "Where's O'Neil?"

"I don't know. She was just here." April said before she looked around. She spotted something in the corner near a construction shaft that led up to the roof. April saw the charm from Maddie's necklace that she had got after their father passed away. April quickly picked it up, knowing how much it meant to Madison to get it back to her.

"What do we do?"

"We go to the roof. Follow me. I know a way up."

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