part five ↓

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"Give me the camera

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"Give me the camera."

Madison glared at the red masked turtle before he jumped down from the roof and landed in front of her and April. April stumbled behind Madison while Madison stood up to him.

"Leave her alone, Red."

"The name's not Red. It's Raph."

"Raph, Red. Whatever. Next time you do anything like that again, I will make sure your face is covered with more than just that red mask of yours." Madison threatened before she glared once again at him.

"Tell her to give me the camera."

"Or what? You're gonna crush me with those big ass feet of yours?"

"Enough!" They both heard before there was a loud thud and Madison and April both turned and saw the blue masked turtle standing on the edge of the roof, which crushed under his feet.

"Back off, Raph! Now!" He yelled before Raph raised his hands in surrender. "I only saw Batman once!"

Madison raised an eyebrow before looking back at the red masked turtle, Raph. "Batman?"

"Ma'am, I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say please. So, will you please hand over the camera?" The blue masked turtle asked as April slowly backed away from Madison. The orange masked turtle jumped behind her and scared her half to death.

"Nonono, it's okay! It's okay! See.." The turtle took off his mask revealing just his unnaturally blue eyes which caused April to faint.

"Well that went well." The purple masked turtle said before he approached April. Madison looked over at the blue masked turtle before she spoke.

"So you guys got any names? Besides Red?"

"It's Raph!"

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Madison yelled before the blue masked turtle smirked and shook his head.

"Well, I'm Leonardo. Or Leo for short." Madison's eyes went wide when she heard him say that before she looked at the others.

"What's wrong with you, dudette? You look like you've seen a ghost." The orange masked turtle joked before Madison shook her head.

"Oh, I have. And I'm looking right at them."

RED WHITE AND BLUE ✓ tmnt bayverse™Where stories live. Discover now