part six ↓

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"Daddy, what are they?"

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"Daddy, what are they?"

"Well, Maddie, they're turtles. But these turtles have some amazing powers to them." Young Madison looked at her father in curiosity. "What kind of powers?"

"Well..they had the strength of a hundred men, the speed of a ninja and they all have different personalities. Like this one right here, your sister named him Leonardo. He's a kind little fella. He's tough though. And this one, she named him Raphael, he's a mean one. But he's got a soft spot for you two. Like right now.." Madison's father went to pet Raphael, but the turtle snapped at him, nearly biting his finger. Her father laughed off his little fright before Madison giggled and looked at the turtles. Raphael began to move closer and closer to Madison and almost stood on his front legs to touch the glass, but slowly backed away.

"Anyway, this one over there in the corner.." Her father continued as Madison stared at Raphael for a little bit longer before moving towards the other side of the tank. "This one your sister named Donatello. He's a smart little guy too. He can almost sense you coming without even seeing you. God, he's really smart."

Madison smiled before her father laughed.

"And this little guy is Michaelangelo. He's a little jokester, I'm telling you." Madison giggled before she looked at the little turtle not too far from Donatello. Madison laughed as Michelangelo rolled around, being a little jokester like her father said.

"I think I'm going to nickname them. He will be Leo, he will be Raph, he'll be Donnie, and he'll be little Mikey."

"Those are amazing nicknames, Maddie. I think April will really like them." Madison smiled brightly before she looked back at the turtles and saw them all looking at her.

"Come on, let me show you Splinter.."


"No way.." Madison said as she slowly backed away from the turtles. "No way what? Are you okay?"

"April? Can I talk to you please? Alone?" Madison asked, completely ignoring Leo's question as April nodded and walked towards Madison, both of them walking a little farther away from the turtles before she spoke.

"April, when you look at them, what do you see?"

April looked back at the turtles who were staring suspiciously at them, except the orange masked turtle, who just smiled and waved.

"Um..four extremely tall turtles with masks like a ninja."

"Well, they're not that at all. Remember the turtles we saw as kids? You named one of the turtles Leonardo?" April's eyes went wide as she looked at Leonardo who looked at them with his arms crossed.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. He just told me that his name was Leonardo. And I should have remembered when he kept calling that red turtle Raph. Because you named him Raphael, but I wouldn't remember his full name so I nicknamed him Raph. There's no crazy coincidence that we ran into them. I think..I think that our past is coming back to haunt us." Madison explained as April nodded.

"Should we tell them?"

"No, no. Not yet. Not until later. We need to wait for the right moment. For now, let's keep this between us."

April and Madison nodded to each other before they turned to meet the turtles faces right behind them.

"Keep what between you two?"

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