part eight ↓

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"Maddie, I need your help with something

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"Maddie, I need your help with something."

Madison heard her sister ask as she walked into her room and saw films scattered across the room.

"What is all of this?" She asked as April approached her with a camera. "Remember how when we were kids and we would always film in Dad's lab?"


"Well, back on the road, you said that the turtles were the turtles from Dad's lab. At first, I found it hard to believe until I remembered filming them." April said as she skimmed through the films. One film stood out to Madison as she sat down next to her sister and picked it up.

"This one is titled LEONARDO." Madison said as April looked at the film and gasped before taking it and placing in the camera. Madison watched as the camera took them to a video of the lab and April was the one speaking behind the camera.

"Hello, everyone! This is April O'Neil! And today, we will see the turtles for the first time since they've been born!"

"Ew, April! That's nasty!"

Both Madison and April laughed when they heard younger Madison say that before the camera got a closer shot at the turtles. One had a blue dot on the back of it's shell and Madison immediately knew that was Leonardo. It made sense because of the blue mask.

"Say hi, Leo!" Madison said as she looked at the camera then back at the baby turtle. The scene then changed to Madison feeding Leonardo pizza from his tank. "Maddie, do you have any more pizza? I'm running low."

"Yeah. There's some over there." Madison told April before she went back to feeding Leonardo. Just before she went to feed him the last piece, a smash was heard and Madison looked in the direction of the tank and gasped before looking at the camera. "Guys! Look! What is this?"

Madison and April leaned in closer and watched as the video went to the turtle's tank and Madison viewed a crack in the glass. "Leo? Did you do that?"

The video ended from there and Madison and April both looked at each other in shock and surprise. "Did we just see what I think we saw?"

"Those turtles..that's them. They were the ones we saw on the rooftop tonight." April confirmed as Madison blinked a couple of times. "What do we do?"

"We need to wait until tomorrow night. We need to know more about them." Madison simply said as she turned off the camera. "I'm going to need that film."

"For what?" Madison asked as April began to pack up the rest of the films while leaving some out. "I need that for Thompson tomorrow."

"Bernadette Thompson? Girl, she's your boss!" Madison exclaimed as April sighed, pausing mid packing and looked up at her sister. "I know. But New York has a vigilante and we saw them tonight. They need to know!"

"I hope you know what you're doing, April." Madison said in a worried tone as April got up and hugged her sister. Madison sighed before hugging her back.

"We got this, Maddie. We're doing what Dad would have wanted us to do." April said before they both pulled away. Madison never liked talking about her father since those two were super close. Almost as close as her and April. Now there isn't a person in the world that Madison would put before her sister.

Madison smiled before April started to yawn. "Sleepy?"

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna crash for tonight." April said as Madison nodded. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll be done in about a couple more minutes." Madison assured as April nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Madison staring at the films that still lie on the carpet. Madison couldn't believe it. Those turtles..they were alive!

Madison looked out her window at the rooftops and sighed, knowing that there will be questions that she wants answered. Madison cleaned up the rest of the films and setting them in her sister's bag before leaving the room.

That night, Madison couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep thinking that the four turtles that were her best friends in the whole world, the cute little critters who she can't even say were really her pets, were still alive and they were grown. Really grown.

Especially Leonardo. The blue masked turtle. Madison couldn't stop thinking about him. How much he's grown into such an enormous creature. How he doesn't look anything like he did as a baby. It bothered her, but it also made her feel a little uplifted. Whoever, or whatever, raised those turtles, did a great job at it.

Maybe not by behavior, but they did a great job taking care of the turtles.

"Ugh! I can't do this!" Madison said as she sat up on her bed. To past the time, Madison grabbed her laptop and began searching up more about the accident that killed her father.

She knew she was close to cracking the case, but she still needed evidence. And she was hoping the turtles were it. But, nobody would believe her if she dared showed it to anybody.

All except one.

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