part seven ↓

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"Keep what between you two?"

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"Keep what between you two?"

"..I think I've seen you before. But I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I was asking April if maybe she recognizes you. But she said she only has vivid memories of you as a child."

The turtles looked at each other before April went into a back pocket.

"Wait.. where's my-"

"Phone?" She heard as she looked and saw Raph holding her phone carelessly.

"Give her back her phone, Red."

"I said my name isn't Red! It's-"

"Oh, jeez! I'm sorry, Raph! I'm sorry! Please! Oh, please, forgive me!" Madison mocked before she glared at him and snatched the phone out of his hand, catching him off guard.

"Asshole. Here you go, April."

"I keep telling you, Raph, one day someone's gonna outsmart you and you won't even know until it's too late." Leo said as Raph glare at him.

"Did I ask your opinion?"

"No, but I gave it to you, didn't I?" Raph went to lunge at Leo, but Madison stopped him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Woah, woah, woah! Ease it down, tiger! Now, I don't know what grudge you two have and I honestly don't care. But one wrong move and everyone in this city will know where you are!" Madison shouted before Raph slowly backed away, scoffing.

"Leonardo, if we want to make it back before the master, we better go now."


April looked at Madison before Madison nodded and looked back at the turtles.

"You two.." Leo said as he looked deep into their eyes. "Do not mention this to anyone. If you do, we will find you. April and Madison O'Neil."

Madison's heart was pounding so fast in fear that it took her a second before she asked:

"Wait, how do you know our names?"

"A magician never tells their secrets, Miss O'Neil. You should know that." The purple masked turtle, Madison remembered was Donatello, or Donnie for her, said as Madison shrugged and smiled.

"I knew someone was gonna say that." Madison muttered to herself before the turtles jumped off the roof and onto the next one. April quickly took a picture of them just as they jumped off the roof before she looked back at Madison.


"Nope. You totally saw four large turtles."

"Not that! I'm going crazy because I thought they died from the fire. There was so much smoke, I think they may have died from lack of oxygen." April said as Madison nodded and looked back at where the turtles first were.

"We better go. Sanchez is probably looking for us."

"Yeah. Oh, and hey.." Madison saw April pull out the pendant that her father gave her and the chain to it.

"Oh my gosh, where did I drop it?!"

"It fell in the subway, when you were 'kidnapped'." Madison sighed before smiling at April.

"Thanks, sis."

"No problem. Come on, let's go."

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