part four ↓

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"I didn't kill her, Mikey. She's unconscious."

"That still doesn't give you the right to knock her out!"

"Guys, hold on! She's waking up." Madison's eyes opened slowly and saw nothing but the dark night sky. She blinked her eyes in confusion before she sat upright, groaning loudly as she rubbed her head. She looked around, knowing she just heard voices, but didn't see anyone around. That is until something dropped down from the top and into the shadows.

"Who's there?!" Madison asked frantically as she went for her gun, only to feel that it was gone. She looked around for it, but didn't see it anywhere. Before she could ask where her gun was, her gun was thrown at her, it's parts scattered across the ground.

"What the..? Who's there? Show yourself! Now!" She shouted as she stumbled to her feet and looked towards the shadows.

"I don't think that's a good idea.." The voice in the shadows said as Madison rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time for games! Show yourself!"

"Alright, I warned you.." Madison was not prepared when she saw a large turtle-humanoid appear from the shadows. It wore a blue mask and had the most beautiful unnaturally blue orbs she's ever seen.

"You're...a turtle?" Madison asked unsurely as she stared at it. Or rather, he.

He began to stalk towards her slowly, Madison slowly backed up, afraid he was going to attack her. There was another thud and she turned to see another turtle, this one was a bit large and had a red mask instead. Madison began to run in fear until she was stopped by two more turtle humanoids approaching from the shadows.

One wore a purple mask and the other an orange one.

"What are you guys?"

"Well, miss, we're ninjas." Madison shrugged before she looked at them all. "Kind of figured that already. The whole disappearing into the shadows thing, very impressive. I'm sorry, what the hell am I doing here? Why the fuck did you guys knock me unconscious for?"

"Sorry about that. It wasn't suppose to happen." The blue masked turtle said before he glared at the one with the red mask. "Anyway, we brought you up here because we know that you have information on the Shredder."

"What? Your Shredder's lab rats or something?" Madison asked. The red masked turtle stormed up to Madison and glared daggers into her soul.

"We are NOT Shredder's lab rats. Don't think because you're some cop, that's gonna stop me from doing you some damage." Madison smirked up at him before she turned and looked towards the city.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Red." She said before looking back at the four turtles. "Like one.."

Madison grabbed her hidden gun from her boot and aimed it at the red turtle, making sure to get a careful aim at his head.

"You should check your hostages twice before assuming they're unarmed." Madison said before the red masked turtle's glare tightened.

"Okay. Miss, put the gun down. We're not going to hurt you. I promise."

"You knocked me unconscious!"

"Like I said, that wasn't suppose to happen. We really do need your help. Just trust me." Madison stared at the blue masked turtle before she looked back at the one in red.

Before she could put her gun down, a flash went off and all four turtles froze in place. Madison looked over and saw April with her phone held high. She looked at Madison with shock in her eyes before she disappear down the wall.

"What was that?"

"It was a camera flash."

"WE KNOW it was a camera flash. I'm asking who's behind it?"

"By my calculations, it's a girl."

"Are we gonna kill her?"

"What?! No! We don't kill people. Let's just get along, give her flowers or something."

"That's it. I've had enough of this."

"Wait! Raph, don't!"

Madison saw the red masked turtle grab one of the orange masked turtle's nunchucks and threw it over the edge. April was thrown up onto the roof, Madison immediately ran to her side and helped her up.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little bruised. What were they?"

"I don't know.." Madison said before she looked above her and saw the red masked turtle standing over top of them. "But we're about to find out."

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