part two ↓

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"Mmm! You know, O'Neil, this coffee is a lot better than from yesterday

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"Mmm! You know, O'Neil, this coffee is a lot better than from yesterday."

"I know, right? I think it's because that Lucas guy likes you." Madison joked as Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "Please, believe me when I tell you, he is not my type."


"He is kinda cute." Madison laughed before she sipped on her coffee. They walked down the street, a little bit away from their patrol car towards 23rd. That night it was calm. Except for the usual packed people in that area. But as far as Foot Clan activity, they were good.

The two women enjoyed the beverage and patrolled for the remaining time they had left on duty. But something odd happened after they turned down to 23rd Street. Just as they went to turn back to their patrol car, dozens of men and women began to run from the corner, all screaming and shouting bloody murder as if they saw something they weren't suppose to.

"What's going on?! Ma'am! Sir!" Madison shouted as she stopped to question the people that were going by, but they only continued running away. Madison looked at Gabrielle before they both nodded.

"All units, requesting backup at the subway station on Broadway and 23rd! Potential Foot Clan threat! Respond immediately!" Madison exclaimed into her radio before both her and Gabrielle went down the stairs, their guns held high.

"You ready, Sanchez?"

"No. You?"

"When it's the Foot, of course I'm not. But we have no choice, do we?" Both women approached the ticket booth and the security machine. Madison hopped over it before Gabrielle followed in suit.

"Be ready for anything. If you see a Foot, holler as loud as you can." Madison instructed before Gabrielle nodded and went to the left of the station. Madison took the right, watching as Foot Clan soldiers came around the corner and she hid in an enclosed space to the restrooms.

When she saw them disappear from her sight, she rushed from the corner, but bumped into someone. Immediately both of them pointed their guns and Madison realized it was Gabrielle.

"Sanchez! I thought you were going left!"

"I was. But I saw Foot soldiers coming and I hid. But..they got April." Madison's eyes went wide and her heart pounded in fear before she looked around.

"We need to go after them."

"No! We have to wait for backup. We don't know how many of the Foot is down there."

"Well, I'm gonna take that risk. Come on."

The two women ran off, towards the sound of a train and the screams of hostages.

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