part nine ↓

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"Wait a second, what?"

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"Wait a second, what?"

"I know it's hard to believe, Sanchez, but it happened and right now, you, me, and April are the only ones that know." Madison and Gabrielle sat in Madison's workspace discussing what happened last night and Gabrielle couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"And you're sure these turtles are the turtles you saw as a child?" Gabrielle asked as Madison nodded. Gabrielle sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know, Madison. But, because I'm your friend and partner, I'll have faith in you on this.."

"Thank you. That's all I need. I'm going to try and meet them again tonight. I just have questions that need to be answered and I can't get them unless I ask the turtles." Madison explained; Gabrielle nodded in understanding.

"And you feel they have them?"

"They should. I mean, my father took care of them and another animal they had tested named Splinter. He had been in the lab a few years prior. They all were given the same mutagen. It only makes sense if I find out how they survived. When the fire started in my Dad's lab, it had destroyed the mutagen. It should have destroyed the turtles and Splinter, too. I mean, April and I rescued them, but it still should have killed them. I'm just so confused.."

"If you need me to come as back up, I will." Gabrielle said as Madison nodded. "Okay. Well, it needs to be toni-"

"HEY!" Madison and Gabrielle jumped as they heard that, looking around to see where the voice came from. "HEY, DOWN HERE. ON YOUR COMPUTER."

Madison looked down at her computer and saw the turtle with the purple mask on the screen. "Is that one of them?" Gabrielle whispered as Madison nodded.

"MADISON, IT'S ME, DONATELLO FROM LAST NIGHT. LISTEN, WE NEED YOU TO MEET US AT THIS ADDRESS ALONE. WE NEED TO TALK. ALL OF US. ALSO, BRING APRIL. OUR SENSEI WANTS TO MEET HER." Donatello, one of the turtles from last night, said as Madison and Gabrielle looked at each other.

"Um..okay. I'll be there." Madison assured before her screen changed back to it's normal screen. Madison looked at Gabrielle before she sighed. "Looks like April and I got a date."

"Do you still need me to come with you?"

"No. I don't think they're going to hurt me. But if anything goes wrong, I'll radio you. But for right now, we need to get back to work." Madison assured as Gabrielle nodded before they sat back at their computers and got back to work.

"Are we set?" Leo asked Donnie. "We're good. I sent Madison the address to go to. And she's bringing April."

"Good. Alright, do what you have to do. We leave at sundown."

"Madison O'Neil, you have a call on line 1."

"Thank you, ma'am. Hello?"

"Hey, Maddie." Madison heard on the other line as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Hey, April. What's up?"

"Um..I got fired."

"What?! What happened?" Madison asked in shock as she heard April sighed on the other end. "It's the turtles. I tried to tell Thompson that we saw the vigilantes but she didn't believe me. She said she would have if the images I took was a little clear. But without it, I sound delirious."

Madison sighed, leaning back in the chair and rubbing the bridge of her nose. That was what she was afraid of. Nobody's going to believe that the city is being rescued by four mutant turtles that roam the streets at night. It sounds like you'd be talking about the Boogeyman playing hero.

"Okay. Do you need me to pick you up?"

"No. I got a ride from Vern. But there is somewhere I need to go. The only person that I know that might believe me is Eric Sacks. He worked with my father. He may have answers for us." April replied, Madison nodding to herself. That's right, Eric Sacks was the one who created the mutagen alongside their dad. It's the whole reason the turtles are the way they are now. "Alright, good luck. Oh, and before you go, one of the turtles, Donatello, he mentioned that we should meet him and the others at this address tonight. Sanchez is coming as back up, just in case."

"Really? Why would they want to meet us again?"

"Apparently, their mentor wants to meet us. But I'll send you the address, I have to go. Be careful." Madison stated, hearing April's quiet "you, too" before hanging up.

The next few hours were hell for Madison. Every second that passed by, she kept wondering how Sacks would take the news about the turtles. He probably thought for years that the turtles and Splinter had died in the fire and all his and her dad's research was destroyed. Maybe he can restart the research they begun and work again to finish what they started.

"I hope this is a good sign, Dad. You're the only one that knows." She mumbled, leaning back in her office chair and rubbing her eyes. Working for three hours straight made Madison feel exhausted. Deciding to take a break, she got up from the desk, walking away and approaching the small break room a couple doors down.

"O'Neil!" She heard, turning around and seeing Gabrielle approach, a wide smile on her face. "Ready to get out the office? Got a call about a noise complaint in Queens."

"Thank god! Yes, let's get a move on!"


I completely forgot about my password, so I was MIA. But I'm back! And here is the update!

I'll definitely be posting here a bit more, just not often because I'm in college. But don't worry! Thank you for the love on my books!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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