Chapter 1-A

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If there was one lesson Madison Chase had learned since transferring to Edgewood High it was that gossip was never a good thing, especially if it was about you. Which was why the constant stares and mutterings of the group across the library set her teeth on edge. The four of them, two boys and two girls, had been giving her covert glances all week and frankly, she was fed up. She had half a mind to march up and demand they tell her what the problem was.

To her knowledge, she'd never done anything to them—intentional or otherwise. They were in a couple of her classes but had little to no interaction. It was widely known that the group of friends was a close-knit bunch. They were friendly and sociable to classmates but that's as far as it went. No one was allowed to enter their inner circle, not even those they were dating.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched as one of the girls, Avery, stand and walk over. She was dressed in her standard jeans and brightly colored polo shirt. A white ribbon was wrapped around her ebony hair and tied in a pretty bow that bounced with each step.

"Hey Madison," she greeted, sliding into the seat across the table.

"Avery," she acknowledged.

"How's it going?"

The pleasantry seemed out of place considering the past week. Not wanting to play the game, she cut straight to the point. "What do you want?"

Avery's brown eyes widened a fraction as surprise flitted across her face. "Umm..." She floundered, trying to find the appropriate answer before giving up and looking over her shoulder. Three sets of eyes stared back.

Sitting closest to them was Kelly, a tall girl with fire engine red glasses. Next to her was her older brother Garrett. They had similar coloring—fair skin, ash-blonde hair and dark brown eyes, but while Kelly had an almost waifish-like appearance, her brother in contrast was strong and virile. He was also the only senior the group, the rest juniors like Madison. It was easy to assume he was the leader of the foursome, but surprising it was Wyatt, the stocky, brown-haired boy who made all the decisions. He was loud and outspoken, often arguing with teachers over the smallest thing. His dominant personality rubbed Madison the wrong way and she made certain to never sit close by. 

While Avery and Wyatt's gazes were locked in a silent conversation, Madison gave the other two a cheeky wave. Kelly blushed and smiled sheepishly before looking away while Garrett continued to stare. He didn't drop his eyes till Kelly gently jabbed his side with her elbow.

Avery turned back around; hands flat on the table and chin thrust up in determination. "I—We have a question for you."

Her curiosity piqued. It seemed Avery was the elected spokesperson. Not surprising since she was the only one Madison had a slight rapport with. They lived in the same neighborhood and frequently bumped into each other at the grocery store or the occasional dinner party.

 "We were wondering if you would like to join our study group."

Madison blinked. Then blinked again. A week's worth of whispering all for the simple issue of a study group? Talk about overanalyzing. It was a wonder they got anything done at all. "What exactly is this study group for?"

"Anything we want." Her response was vague and Madison didn't like vague. She liked clear and concise, everything put in their proper place.

"I really want you to come," Avery added.


"Because I think you'll have a lot to contribute. Besides, I want us to become better friends."

Madison raised an eyebrow as if to say, "We're friends now?"

Avery had the grace to blush. "I know we've only had a few conversations but I'd like to think we're friends." She folded her hands primly and rested them in her lap. "You won't regret it."

Honor Among Friends (NaNoWriMo14)Where stories live. Discover now