Chapter 11-B

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When she woke up Friday morning, Madison had a feeling something big was going to happen today. The sensation followed her around all morning as she got ready for school, the trickle of awareness growing as each second ticked by. She might have discounted it to nerves seeing as how she was going to return Mr. Perez’s medal, but the feeling was bigger than that.

After skimping breakfast, she hopped in her car and turned the key, but her ignition wouldn’t start. Forced to grab a ride with her mom, she showed up ten minutes late to homeroom and was given afterschool detention.

During third period, she watched as Avery walk right past her without a nod of acknowledgement. The silence stung, but she deserved it, especially after the way she treated her. The day only got worse from there. After almost failing her math test and losing her English homework, Madison was ready to fake being sick and go home. Unfortunately, she had one task today and she wouldn’t leave till it was accomplished.

Patiently, she bided her time, waiting till Mr. Perez would leave his room. When the bell rang, indicating the start of fifth period, she slipped out of the girl’s bathroom and headed toward his class. With each step, her fingers tightened their hold on her backpack. She could feel the medal weighing her down, the guilt pressing against her shoulders.

Looking around first and seeing no one nearby, she opened his door and slipped in the dark room without a sound. With quick and precise movements, she placed the medal in the trophy case and fished out the FEC coin. She was in the process of placing the FEC coin bag in her backpack when the door opened and a figure walked in.

“Carson,” she exclaimed in surprise, taking a step back. “W-What are y-you doing here?”

“I think the better question is what are you doing?” he asked, turning on the light. He took in the scene before him. Thankfully, everything was back in place and appeared as it should. “Clearly, you’re hiding,” he motioned to her and the room, “but from what, I’m not sure.”

A bead of panic rolled down her spine. Did he suspect the truth? “C-Carson, I—y-you…” she sputtered, trying to find an appropriate response.

The corners of his mouth turned down as he shook his head and looked away. “What is going on with you lately? Ever since I asked you to go on a date you’ve been acting strange. You stopped meeting me during lunch, you won’t look me in the eye even during class and you can’t wait to leave. Even now you look ready to bolt.”

“It’s not you,” she hurried to assure.

He gave a brittle laugh. “Right. It’s me.”

She flinched, her whole body moving. “No, that’s not it at all.” The last thing she wanted him to believe was that she didn’t care. Gathering her courage, she poured every feeling, every emotion she had into a confession. “I like you, Carson. I like you more than I thought I ever could. I can stand here and tell you how attractive and nice you are, or how witty and charming you can be, but I won’t. Because those aren’t the reasons why I like you.”

He was so much more than that. Had so much depth he kept hidden. And for some reason, she was the girl he chose to show it too. She didn’t know why or how and honestly, she didn’t care. As long as he offered, she would take.

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