Chapter 7-B

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Point, Lauren, Madison thought to herself as she rolled her shoulders, trying to loosen the tension. So they went to Homecoming together and took an official picture as a couple. So what? It wasn't relevant. Not anymore. But isn't it? her subconscious whispered. She batted the pesky question away, not wanting to dwell on the thought.

"Although, she couldn't really be too upset since it was the third Homecoming picture she had of us," Lauren continued with a light laugh. "She's hoping this year will be different."

Madison never wanted to punch someone so much than she did right now. The urge almost crippled her, but she maintained her composure. She didn't even throw out a snide remark, which in her mind earned her bonus points.

Carson's Adam apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. He looked embarrassed by Lauren's words. "Good thing we'll be taking a group photo this year instead of individual ones."

"No? You don't want one more to complete the set?" Madison asked, unable to keep a lid on the sarcasm.

Carson winced and rubbed the back of his neck. "We're seniors this year. We want a photo to commemorate all of us together."

"I see. You're finally putting a lid on that particular box, huh?" Madison drawled, referring to their earlier conversation.

His eye's cut to Lauren, then back to her. "It's been there for a long time."

She raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?" She could tell he didn't appreciate her question when his head snapped back and his jaw hardened.

"What are you guys talking about? Box? What box?" Lauren interjected, her forehead scrunching up in confusion.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it," Carson said before Madison could open her mouth. "There's your locker, Lauren. We should be going. There's something I want to show Maddy."

Her expression faltered at his brisk tone. "All right. I guess I'll see you tonight at practice. Bye Maddy."

"Madison," she corrected. "I go by Madison."

She forced a fake smile. "Of course. Madison."

If looks could kill, Madison would probably be slumped on the concrete with a knife through her heart. While she appreciated seeing Lauren's true colors, she really, really disliked the animosity. She would have to watch her back around this girl.

When they were out of hearing distance, Madison asked, "What's the deal between you two? And don't give me a song and dance. I know it's not nothing. There was most definitely something between you guys or she wouldn't feel so possessive."

The top of Carson's ears turned bright red. "I had a crush on her our freshman year. Followed her around like a puppy dog. Pathetic really," he sighed. "We went to Homecoming together but only as friends. She liked another guy but he already had a girlfriend."

"She was using you," Madison commented.

"And I let her. I knew she didn't like me in that way, but I was happy to go with her. Eventually, that guy dumped his girlfriend and they started dating."

Which they obviously weren't anymore, but the bigger question was, "Do you still like her?"

"No. My crush withered and died during our sophomore year." An impish gleam entered his eye. "I became lab partners with Stacey O'Brian and all thoughts of Lauren flew out of my head."

"Stacey O'Brian huh? Isn't she the girl who just won first place at the state science fair?"

"What can I say? Brains turn me on." He winked and tapped her temple. "Look at all that knowledge rolling around. I can't help myself. So attractive."

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