(1b) -Visit his room

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With a little confidance, you decide that visiting Aesop would be a good call. It wasn't quite lights out so you could at the very least get a good few topics into the air and learn a little more about him. With Aesop's room past Kurt's, you had to creep past so you dont risk accidentally beconing Kurt out of his room by mistake. When you successfully pass Kurt's room as well as the few down before Aesop's you walk flat-footed, making full steps to the bedroom door. For a moment you find your heart beating hard enough that it makes you second guess a night-visit, your hands starting to tremble as well. Since when did it get so quiet? You take a look at your raised hand and then to the door and then you lower your hand. You should just try again in the morning when its not so nerve-wracking to knock on a door. As you turn your heels and take a step away from the door you hear Aesop's voice speak your name, sending a jitter through your body.
"Did you need something?" He spoke again but this time it was right in front of you. You look up from the floor to see Aesop not in his room but down the hall in front of you, a clasped makeup case in his right hand. He probably forgot it while everyone was eating and went back to get it. Your cheeks flushed pink, realizing how strange it probaly looked to him when he saw you just standing outside his door.
"Oh, ah.." You have to take a moment. "I was just wondering if you were up for a conversation. I'm not tired yet so staying in my room all alone seemed..." You trailed off, not sure why you couldnt just out-right say you wanted to get to know him. There was a pause before he walked past you, to his door. He wasn't going to acknowledge you? Maybe you just got your hopes up.
"What did you want to talk about?" He finally spoke when he opened the door, stepping inside and leaving the door open. You took a deep breath, your mind racing. He was inviting you into his room to chat, you would've been fine just talking in the hallway. With your heart beating in your chest lound enough you thought he might hear, you stepped into his room with him. He closed the door behind you.
"You, actually." You finally answered his question. He seemed a little surprised by that. "I want to get to know you." You finally said it. Aesop didnt get flustered by your statement but instead sat on the end of his bed and put his makeup box at his side. You both took time to exchange topics, a little awkward at first but the conversation became fulid pretty quickly. He specifically told you about his job as an embalmer and how much respect he has for the deceased. He didnt dive too much into the reason he came here but by the time you got to talking about the game the conversation was about you anyway. You were transparent with him, explaining your reasoning and what you hoped to gain by coming here. Before long, he was showing you his makeup box and what was in it, explaining the proccess and the details he has to get right. When it was late enough and you were finally feeling tired you decided to leave and go back to your own room, satisfied with the progress you made with Aesop today. After writing in your diary you rolled onto your bed and let yourself fall asleep, not realizing just how tired you were.
In the morning, you woke up well rested, the sun peaking at you through your curtains. Dismissing the time of day, you got out of bed and flattened your clothes, adjusted your hair and set out of your room to the hallway. You walked to the dining room and opened the door to find yourself to once again be the last to enter the room, Kurt and Fiona already up and chatting and Aesop already being seated in his own seat.
"Good morning everyone." You smiled sheepishly as you greeted everyone, you found it kind of embarrasing to be the last one up. Fiona and Kurt greeted you in turn and once you sat in your seat Aesop greeted you with a glance which you interpreted as a good mornimg. Aesop seemed sleepy, making you worry for a moment that your conversation last night kept him up longer than he wanted to be. "Did you sleep well Aesop?" You adressed him to try and start up another conversation.
"I slept well." Just his voice was enough to wash calmness over you. He didnt seem to mind that you're directly adressing him which is good in your book. You had enough time to smile before Fiona injected you into her conversation with Kurt, which you didnt mind. They were exchanging theories on how the game is going to play out in a few days, each of you expressing hope that it goes well. Soon enough, breakfast was served and the conversations resided over the meal. You tried to keep with the conversation but you mostly tried to make small talk with Aesop throughout the meal, using the imformation you got last night about his embalming process to make a decent talk that lasted through the meal. When everyone was done with their food the group dispersed and everyone went about entertaining themselves in down time. You decided now would be a good time to retire to your room and leave everyone to do their own thing, trying to prepare yourself for the upcoming game. The conversation over breakfast really got you thinking of strategies and what the game will be like, as well as what you'd like to do and who you'd like to find. At least, you knew you'd like to team up with someone.

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