Day 2/3 (2ba) Snag it

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As you quickly creeped out the door you impulsively snatched the spare hankercheif and shoved it in your pocket as you slipped out the door. Your heart was pounding loud enough that your ears began to pulse. Why did you take it? Why did you sneak into his room? You werent sure if it was guilt or adrenaline pumping through you as you tried to look as casual as possible while you walked to your own room. When you reached your own door you closed it behind you and leaned against it, sighing. You feel like you finally lost it, taking out the hankercheif and admiring it. Something of Aesop's is in your possession. Although it was very nice material you didn't have much time to admire it, hearing a knock on your door as you leaned against it startled you into jumping a few feet away from it. Quickly, you shoved the hankercheif back into your pocket and slowly opened the door, peeking out instead of opening it all the way. It was Fiona.
"Oh, were you napping?" She tilted her head a bit. You must've looked like it after sliding in and out from under a bed.
"Yeah...." You lied a bit. At least your nerves made you sound tired.
"I can come back if you want, its not important." You shook your head at her when she said that.
"No, I actually wanted to talk." You stepped aside to let her in and then closed the door behind her she took in your room.
"Aww. Your room is cute." She took note of the stuffed dog plushie on your bed. It was a shiba with a blue necktie.
"Thank you." You sat on the edge of your bed your bed.
"You should go first." Fiona took her place next to you, waiting for you to speak your mind first. "I think...I might like Aesop." You scratched your cheek shly. It was surprisingly easy to admit but that didnt make you any less abashed. Fiona couldnt hide her surprise.
"Really?" Its not that she couldnt believe it but rather than she was surprised by your boldness. "Good for you for recognizing so quickly!" She seemed excited for you after the initial shock. "Are you going to tell him?"
"I want to try." Your brushed your hand along the pocket with the stolen item. You werent super courageous but something in you was bubbling in you that gave you that upvote of confidance. "He's quiet. But I like that." You could feel your heart pound at the thought of Aesop. "And his eyes...." You unintentionally lost yourself, straying from a natural conversation with Fiona.
"Im sure he thinks about you too." She pointed out something you haddent factored in. Sure, he might think of you but what did he think of you. For some reason, you didnt think the worst. You liked him like that and what he thought of you didnt cross your mind. "I mean, you've made strides with him compared to the rest of us. Kurt and I have gotten him to talk but we didnt think to actively engage him because of how reserved he seemed." Fiona played with her braid as she spoke. You could feel a smile creep on your lips when you thought about just the conversations you've had with Aesop, they've been small but meaningful. It takes snowflakes to make a snowball. You figured it was enough gushing though, turning the conversation back to Fiona. "So, you said you had something to talk about?"
"Oh! Right!" She held up her holy symbol you've seen her with. "Kurt and I had a conversation earlier, about a plan for the game in a few days." With a short explanation, she filled you in on both her and Kurt's special powers they'll be able to use in the game. Fiona could use her symbol to quick travel whereas Kurt can shrink. Together, they could be used to help out durning the game. You could feel the cogs turning in your head.
"We could co-op decode a cypher if you use it!" Fiona smiled when you said that.
"Yes! Kurt said he can find Aesop and help him out if we do some cypers together. He actually went to talk to Aesop about it just now. The plan is that I'll summon you once I find a cyper and we'll tag-team it while Kurt and Aesop do some together, with the work divided it wont take long at all!" The plan made perfect sense.
"That'll be perfect!" You figured the faster you get done with cyphers the less danger Aesop will be in since you'll escape faster. Aesop's safety was your concern at the moment. After a bit more conversation Fiona excused herself because it was getting late. With the groundwork layed out, the game will be much easier and that thought helped you sleep.
In the morning you woke up earlier than you have the past couple days you've been here, feeling strangely energized despite late night strat talks. You didnt have to leave your room to know everyone else was still asleep, but you didnt roll over and go back to sleep you instead left your room and went to the dining hall to explore before the morning officially started. You knew there was a door beyond the dining room and decided to start there. Next to where the laundry was kept, you opened the door and found a small garden. Interesting. Inside was a line of overgrowth along the walls, and a fountain with a frog statue in the middle of the room. Did that frog used to have something under its foot? Maybe the design is just a little strange. You bypassed the frog statue and wondered far to the left where among the overgrowth was a small patch of roses that were a beautiful yellow color. If you knew your botany their offical significance was friendship. Maybe if you gave some to Aesop he'd like them? No, he might misinterpret them. As you stood there, admiring the plants you heard the door you closed behind you close again. You didnt immediately turn to see who entered but when you did you werent dissapointed. Aesop.
"Good morning." You smiled at him, fully turning to face him and ignoring the fact that you still had his hankercheif in your pocket.
"You're up early." He spoke to you as he walked over. You brushed some of your hair behind your ear and turned back to the flowers.
"I couldn't go back to sleep if I tried." Leaning down, you picked a rose and twirled it between your thumb and index finger. When Aesop reached your side he stopped and eyed the flower in your hand. He seemed like he had something to say.
"Me either...." Thats not what he wanted to say and you knew it. Either way, you picked a few more yellow roses and tied their bases together with a spare hairtie you had. Aesop watched your fingers as you worked. It turned out like a bracelet. Noticing Aesop's gaze shift from your fingers to the actual roses as they twirled, you decided to give it to him after all. He was hesitant, but in the end he took the gift and admired it.
"Aesop. I have a confession." He looked to you when you spoke. He looked at you with an unassuming gaze. You felt like you could live another hundered years off that look alone. "We havent known each other long but..." You paused. "I think about you a lot. As more than a friend. And I think I want to have you as more than a friend." You were being bold. Aesop looked shocked, his eyes darting from the flowers to the door and back to you. His cheeks turned a deep red and he took a step back, unsure how to respond. You gave him his time to process your honest disclosure.
"I..." He took a deep breath and looked down at the flowers, keeping his gaze there. "Me too." He spoke almost too soft to hear but when you finally registered what he said your heart fluttered. You were extatic your feelings were returned. Would this have turned out different if he knew you snuck into his room? That you took his stuff? You didnt think about it. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, feeling like you could damn near conquer the world now. The two of you are offical, leaving the garden together and joining the others for breakfast.

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