Obsessive/True Ending EXTRA

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///This is a small extra bit I had for the True ending (Ending 4) That I never ended up adding in since it was from Kurt's POV instead of the reader's. I tried to keep it as gender-neautral as possible like in the main story.
--Some thoughts on why ending 4 is considered the "true" ending: In IDV there is a certain twist that I found interesting. In the story for each character I picked up that each character has a "Dark side" where they do things that seem a little agressive or even out of character, I.e The gardener's ending and the theif's ending. With the canon exaples of the dark side I thought it would be interesting to put in the reader's dark side too, where their feelings from day 1 are amplified to an almost obsessive or Yandere degree for Aesop. I didnt have much to put in the last chapter to explain but I do plan to bring in a little bit more of a yandere twist for some characters in future one-shots in my other IDV comp.
Anyway, thanks for reading, heres the extra bit of interaction after the match and from Kurt's POV.

MC warning: Mention of sex


When the match was over I couldn't help but take not of Aesop. He was sticking surprisingly close to them.
Carefully, I grabbed my hand in rememberence of their overwhelming strength they used to crush my hand while we talked. I made them angry when I said I saw them in Aesop's room, I could hear it in their voice and see it in their eyes.
Their eyes. Mine were drawn to theirs as they embraced Aesop, forcing me to panic and look away and before I knew it they were walking away together and into Aesop's room.
"Are they...Together now?" Fiona approached from behind me, almost giving me a fright.
"It would seem that way..." I sighed. Why did Aesop have to fall into their trap? Something was wrong....Unnerving. Their presesnce gives me a pit in my stomach but they're extreamly charismatic to the others so its difficult to say. Its like they know exactly what to say or do to be close to you. Is that how they got close to Aesop? Something in his room that gave them an idea about him? They seemed so normal at first.
Steeling myself, I collected my thoughts and finished a couple more minutes of conversation with Fiona before excusing myself to my room. I waited a bit longer when I knew Fiona would be in her room and then I slipped into the hallway and down a few doors to Aesop's. I heard some noise, not needing to peek in with the door ever so slightly ajar. It wasnt open enough to notice at first but once I realized it was enough to look in, the fact that the door wasnt closed all the way gave me a weird feeling.
When I finally realized what I was looking in on, my face flushed a little pink. They were having sex on the bed. So soon in the relationship? I almost tore my gaze away when my heart chilled over, freezing me in place. I met eyes with them again. They knew I was there.
Aesop was facing away, his hands on either side of them while they laid beneath him, their arms around his neck and legs around his waist. They spotted me over his shoulder but instead of stopping or even getting embaressed they smiled slyly, almost smug when they realized I was there. They hugged him close, burying their head against his neck almost possessively all the while watching me as I looked in. As they rocked back and forth with Aesop's motions they gave a playful bite against his neck, turning their attention back to him and giving me my cue to leave which I took, gladly. As I snuck back to my room their eyes haunted my consciousness. They left the door open on purpose, knowing prying eyes wander, taking advantage to offically declare him as theirs. Terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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