(2b) - Peek inside

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You place your hand on the handle and curl your fingers to grasp it, you can feel your knees threaten to give in but you push the door open anyway.
"Aesop?" You called out his name as you peeked in very slowly. The room was empty. You could have sworn everyone branched off from each other after lunch but maybe Aesop didn't. Before you could think about what would happen if Aesop caught you intruding you stepped inside the room, leaving the door only cracked behind you, too preoccupied looking around around. As expected, everything was neat and the bed was made. Aesop always seemed so calm and collected so you expected his personal space to reflect that, even though temporary this room was no different. You took special note of his makeup case laying on the table, it was something he kept near at almost all times so it was clearly something extremely important to Aesop. You ran a finger along the metal clasp and tried to imagine just how important it was to him. While fiddling around you hear some voices from the hallway. You recognize both of them.
"Aesop I didn't know you were back in your room I told you I'd be right back." Kurt's voice edged closer to the barely open door.
"I'm not in my room." You couldnt tell from what direction but Aesop's voice followed to clear the misconseption.
"You left your door open then?" Foot steps followed the voice, seemingly just feet away from the door. You had to hide or suffer embaressment beyond what you could handle. Luckily, the bed was large enough and far enough from the floor that you could easily slide under which you did.
"I'm positive I closed it." Aesop's voice was accompanied by the creeking of the door opening fully, you managed to hide just barely in time.
"What, so you think Fiona would snoop?" Kurt started. "Or them?" Kurt mentioned you and your heart almost stopped with guilt. "Wait, you don't think whoever it was is still here do you? I'll help you look." Curse Kurt and his investigative nature. You heard the wardrobe doors open and moved to the side of the under bed opposite of that, crawling out from under the bed and very cautiously, very slowly peeked over the bed. They were both preoccupied checking behind Aesop's clothes together that they didn't realize you were there. You kept low, crouch-walking to the door until something caught your eye. On the ground is Aesop's pocket handkerchief, or at least one of them.

You have just enough time to snag it, but should you?

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