The game (3) Neutral

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Despite your best efforts, it was difficult for you to get much sleep until morning. You had woken up on and off throughout the night, nervous about what Kurt had approached you about the night before. When it was nearing time to meet up, you got out of bed a little sluggishly and headed immediately to the main hall. Everyone was already waiting.
"You're up! Did you sleep well?" Fiona smiled as you approached. You shook your head. "Well, thats okay. We have your back." With a nod back, Fiona referenced the boys behind her. Uncharacteristically, Aesop seemed a little worried. You noticed bags under his eyes too, a constant over the last few days. Unfortunately you didnt have too much time to chat before you were supposed to meet up for the game. Kurt lead the way to a room with a long banquet table. When you sat down in a seat you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, your head in your arms. Fiona said something that you couldnt quite hear, but when you raised your head and opened your eyes you were in a completely different environment. Startled, you looked around the area for your teammates or a cypher, praying you werent close to the hunter. A bit in the distance, you spotted a long antenna that was blinking to show a cypher was below it. Your area was a...circus? Directly in front of you was an activity tent and bordering the walls of the area looked to be a rollar coaster. There was even a broken down merry-go-round. You decided to ignore the distractions and instead focus on the cypher like you had originally planned. Sneaking, you walked to the cypher and began to decode. It was more difficult than you thought but you handled it quickly and without incident, a light turning on to signify it was complete. It was obvious that you shouldnt hang around the completed cypher just in case you alerted the hunter so you made your way to the entertainment tent. Maybe it was just junk but littered over the ground were various strangely-shapped parts. Definatly metal. Regardless of their meaning, you bypassed the parts and went into the tattered tent to see another undecoded cypher. Just what you needed. You hopped on the cypher and after a couple minutes you poped it just like the other one. You were on a roll for being sleep deprived! One thing though, that came across your mind was why you hadn't heard any other cyphers go off by now, did everyone already have a run in with the hunter? A chill ran down your spine as you thought about that scenario but you shook off the nerves and headed to the next cypher. Surely, everyone was fine. The next cypher was out in the open but you werent too worried, you havent seen the hunter at all so far and he didnt feel close, so you hopped on the third cypher. As you decoded you started finally heard another cypher go off. Perfect! Only two more and you were practically done with this one! Before you finished though, you felt your heart start to beat viciously and you began to feel uneasy. For safety, you slipped away and hid, watching as a red light passed you by. Thats strange, you've never seen that light before. Against your better judgement, you stepped out as soon as it went by, creeping in its direction. The closer you got the harder your heart beat and you finally realized that the light was from the hunter's gaze. It was fine, as soon as you realized you turned right around and started to head back for your cypher only for it to be turned on in the distance, making a very loud noise that caused the hunter to turn around and spot you. Not good! The hunter was some sort of clown, and before you realized it he pulled out a rocket from god knows where and charged straight at you, knocking you in the back with it and propelling you forward. You took advantage of the momentum and lept through a nearby window, trying to get as far away as possible. This hunter didn't seem to want to give up the chase, follwing after you without a second glance at Kurt as he suddenly shrank and hid in front of you. You couldnt draw him into the chase, that would be unfair so you took a sharp left to another window. As you jumped through the window, you felt another smack on your back, sending you tumbling froward and hitting your head on the ground. You were in so much pain you had to take a moment to get your bearings. You werent as fast as you thought you were and it caused you to get easily caught up to. The hunter lifted you up and placed you on a chair, a timer counting down above your head. The hunter stood in front of your chair, unmoving and unwilling to let anyone help you up. Even as the last cypher was popped, the hunter stood in front of you, staring as you stuggled against the bindings. There was no way out of this. Kurt realized your predicament and sighed to himself, mouthing an apology as he ran the other way. He ran up to the exit gate that was just in front of your view and out as Fiona and Aesop opened it. In turn, they all left, knowing it was still a win if only three of you escape. As soon as they left the area, the timer above your head skipped ahead to the lift off time and sent you spriling into the air and swirling your vision. Everything was so blurry you shut your eyes, nauseous from the spinning. When you felt the movement stop on your limbs you opened your eyes to find yourself in your bed again. Did you actually win? How long were you out? Slowly, you got out of your bed with an aching back and left your room. The main hall was empty but you could hear chatter from the dining hall. Turning the knob you were met face-to-face with Aesop as he was about to leave. He took a few steps back, startled before assessing you. Aesop looked away when he got to your eyes and rubbed his arm anxiously.
"You're up. Sorry about..." He trailed off in quiet murmers.
"Sorry 'bout leaving without you." Kurt spoke up behind Aesop, he and Fiona at the table. "We couldn't do anything about the hunter when he was camping you like that." Even with the explanation, you couldnt help but feel a little upset.
"Did it count as a win?" You rubbed the back of your head while you spoke.
"It did!" Fiona chimed in. She walked over and rested a hand on your cheek. "You distracted him and we escaped which earned us a win, so dont feel too bad!" She tried to cheer you up. "Besides, next time we'll find a way to rescue you for sure!"
Next time. The thought of there being a next time left you mixed. Despite your own reservations about the idea you nodded your head.
"I'm glad it worked out in the end." You were being honest, looking over your teammates as they stood around you.
"Right..." Aesop responded to you before leaving the room. Of course, you had a successful run but you felt like you still had a while to go before you could find that friendship with your teammates. Just because you had a long way to go didnt mean it was impossible though, you still had the days to come to prove yourself and make bonds with everyone, even Aesop.

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