The game (4) True/Obsessive

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//TW: Mention of blood

Having your feelings realized made sleeping at night easier than blinking. You woke up early and rested, ready to get this game over with so you can get some time in with Aesop. Of course, Aesop has become priority after the other night in the garden. When you got ready, cleaned up and left the room, you spotted Aesop just leaving his.
"Good morning!" You beamed, making your way to him and giving him a peck on the cheek. His mask was covering his lips. "Did you sleep well?" Casually, you slipped your hand into his and held it peacefully. This was clearly near overehelming but he didn't fight you, simply taking his time to respond and deal with his blushing cheeks.
"Yeah...." When he responded he clearly wasn't lying but you took note of the dark circles around his eyes. He's had them since day one, does he work all night and sleep later on? Either way, something caught your eye.
"The roses." You turned your attention to his hip, where he had fastened a boutonniere looking decoration with the yellow roses from the garden. Were they that important to him? "Did you make that on your own?" Aesop seemed to like you taking notice of his new accessory.
"Yeah, last night." He used his free hand to reach back and rub a petal. From the look of it, he used setting spray to keep the roses from wilting while still keeping their original vibrance. Aesop was an artist to the core it seemed.
"Oh, good morning, you two." Suddenly, you were snapped back from admiration and to Kurt who had just left his room. His eyes darted from Aesop to you and then to your hands. He didn't say anything on the subject but he seemed like he wanted to.
"Good morning, Kurt!" You smiled to him and waved with your free hand.
"Say..." Kurt hesitated. "Can I talk to you alone?" He referenced you and motioned with his head to the main hall, a private talk out of earshot from Aesop. Reluctantly, you agreed, letting go of Aesop and following Kurt down the hall. At the base of the stairs, he made sure to hush his voice. "Yesterday....I saw you. In Aesop's room as we came back. I think you took something, too and..." He tried to find the right words. You could suddenly feel something boiling up inside you, an unfamiliar feeling that made you involuntarily tense your muscles. It was similar to a sensory overload. Was it rage. Without realizing it, you took one of Kurt's hands with both of yours, squeezing.
"What's your point?" You couldnt stop yourself, not knowing just how hard you were squeezing his hand, even as you felt his muscles slip and his bones contort. "You aren't going to tell him....are you...?" You made eye contact, tilting your head to the side and what reflected back from his eyes was more than intimidation but fear.
"No-!!" He almost winced an answer out. "N-No I won't! I-I'm not even sure it was you, it was probably my i-imagination." He began to reel back, his heels against the base stairs and without strength enough to take his hand back.
"Oh! My misconseption then." You tore yourself away from him almost too quickly, releasing his hand and putting both of yours behind your back. It was almost a flip of a switch. You heard your name behind you again. Fiona.
"Oh! You two are up early! What're you talking about?" As she stepped around the corner you politely faced her. She seemed to try and asses the situation upon seeing Kurt's face.
"Nothing, we just finished talking actually." You patted Kurt on the shoulder, the smile remaining on your lips with very clear malicious intent. About then, Aesop also rounded the corner. Like a magnet, you meandered to his side again. That talk took the rest of your free time, meaning it was only a short walk before the game. Fiona lead the way to the banquet table you would wait at. "Good luck, everyone." You wished everyone luck, your chin resting in your palm while you waited. An echo of good lucks came back just in time for you to hear glass shatter behind you. Not violently but like it was under pressure. Pressure. Like you all were while participating, would you crack and shatter? No, you couldn't. Not with Aesop in the game. In a blink, you were in.
The light fog swirling around your ankles made it a little hard to tell at first but you were in a run down church, or maybe a chapel? Empty seats a center cypher were your friends so you decided to get to work quickly rather than assess your surroundings.  These cyphers were childs play for you, making it easy enough to complete it in a few minutes. After the cypher you turned your attention to a box near by, deciding to see what that was about you opened it. After some shuffling around you found a flare gun. A locational device? Might as well hang on to it. As you closed the chest, you felt compelled to something. Was this what Fiona meant when she said she could call to you for quick travel? Quickly, you placed a hand on a nearby wall and under your palm materialized a portal. When you stepped through it, you found yourself in a small ruins area with Fiona and Aesop. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw him working.
"Glad you made it!" Fiona gave you a pat on the back and found herself back on the cypher. As you hoped on, Aesop hopped off, running behind a wall. You could barely see, but he summoned a coffin from the ground, yellow roses lining the inside where the substitute was. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. As you finished up the cypher, you and Aesop both followed Fiona to another nearby Cypher, one across the map being activated while you traveled. You were extatic with how well this was going so far, and your attitude was infectious, bringing a smile to Fiona's face as she started decoding. Something wasn't right though, the hunter wasnt anywhere you could see and slowly, you could feel your heartbeat growing. No matter, you continued working while yours and your teammates hearts grew brighter in your chest until suddenly you saw a red light from your right, where Aesop was. "Aesop!" You tried to warn him, but he was immediately knocked to his knees with one hit as he worked. He waa startled to say the least. Fiona made a few quick portals to the left, an escape route. The hunter seemed too preoccupied to notice you hadn't left and as soon as she picked up Aesop you raised your flare gun, shooting her in the face without hesitation or remorse. She backed up, dropping Aesop with a grunt and covering her eyes. Together, you and Aesop took the escape route Fiona made and easily escaped the hunter's view. When it was safe, you had Aesop stop so you could wrap him in bandages. He was bleeding over his head, blood gushing from under his bangs, over his eyes and dripping down his chin. Your hands shook as you wrapped bandages, not with fear but the feeling from earlier. Rage. You looked as Aesop sat, out of breath and holding himself. He was in pain and that hunter was the one who did it.
"Hey..." Aesop shook you out of thought. "Thank you." He looked up at you, grabbing your hand and holding it and as he stood. "I'm okay....We're okay." He semed to think your shaking was fright. You didnt correct him.
"That was close. She had you. She almost took you." Unconsciously, you reached into your pocket and took out the handkerchief you had taken from Aesop's room. Strange enough, he didn't question it as you dabbed blood from his cheek and eye and then returned it to your pocket. "Lets stick together okay?" You took his hand again and he nodded his head and let you lead the way. You lead through the same church you started in and down a carpet and arch way. This was an entirely different setting, with several pallets between rows and rows of empty seats. This was set up for a wedding that didnt seem to happen. There was a cypher tucked in the corner and you used it together, taking very little time to decode before it clicked and the exit gates were powered. You didn't realize that was the last one. Luckily, the exit gate was right next to you. As Aesop went to open it, you found yourself another flare gun in a chest. What luck and convienence. You waited behind Aesop as he opened the door, guarding his back. It wasn't long after the gates opened that Kurt and Fiona came scurrying around the corner, chased by what seemed like a mirror image of the hunter. Was that her power? Mirrors? You've seen better. As the mirror hunter approached, you watched it switch to the real hunter as she swung and missed Kurt. With all three of your teammates behind you and in the door way you once again shot the hunter in the face, gaining the same reaction and subconsciously, the same pleasure in watching her wriggle in pain. The flare guns only had one shot though, so you tossed the gun and ran with Aesop into the mist, grasping his arm as you did so. After running in the mist, you found yourself back at the manor, all of you in tact and safe. Proudly, you looked up at Aesop as you walked, squishing his arm against your chest in a cuddly-cling. There was no one who could take him from you. No hunter or survivor. Once inside you stretched your free arm and smiled big, watching Fiona and Kurt walk to the dining hall while you and Aesop stayed in the main hall. "You did great." You reached up and tugged down on Aesop's mask, giving him a long craved kiss on his lips. He was startled and embaressed at the same time. Not sure how to react to his bold partner Aesop eventually settled on reciprocation. Aesop's shyness will never get old, and as you thought of him the more your thoughts wondered. Just like the first day, you began to imagine the things you could do. Imagining him undoing his shirt, unbuttoning his pants...Everything, until you realized your situation. "Aesop, lets go relax in your room." You pulled him back by the hand, to his room.
No one will take him from you, especially not with you offically keeping an eye on him as his partner. There's little hope to him leaving of his own volition as well. Not to mention, lord help anyone who lays a finger on him with you around.

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