Day 2/3 (2bb) Leave it

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The hankercheif was just a distraction, something that caught your eye because it seemed out of place, not because you wanted to take it. You slipped out the door as quiet as possible and kept a hand close to your chest as you walked down the hall. You were so nervous you were shaking. What if I had gotten caught? You asked yourself that among many other questions that swarmed in your head like a disturbed beehive. You tried to shake the nerves off. You were just seeing if he was asleep, not snooping. Its not like you picked his lock or anything. When you went to your room you felt your heart drop as you grasped the handle and turned it. Was someone looking at you? The feeling of eyes on the back of your neck was nothing to spit at. You did a quick look around the hall, no one was standing out in the open and no one left Aesop's room. Must be your imagination, it was quiet so your mind was resorting to the worst case scenario. A little paranoid, you locked the bedroom door as soon as you got into the room, sneaking under the covers and trying to sleep.
In the morning, you woke up less rested than you would've liked. It seems like you missed breakfast from the orange-ish light outside your window. When you got out of bed and set your feet on the ground you took a deep breath. Never again will you enter a room that seems empty. Slowly, you streatched enough to get a few shoulder pops before heading out the door and into the main hall where Fiona and Kurt were sitting at the table at center stairs.
"Good morning you guys." You yawned.
"Good morning!" Fiona and Kurt both greeted you at the same time, puttimg aside their conversation.
"You slept pretty long today, do you at least feel rested?" Fiona smiled at you when she spoke. You shook your head. You feel anything BUT rested.
"We were just talking about the game tomorrow. We're having trouble coming up with a strategy." Fiona leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms back.
"Five cyphers and only four of us, should we prioritize cyphers individually or tag team them? That is the question." Kurt rubbed the back of his head as he spoke. There is certainly an issue there, if you all focused on working individually it'll be easy for the hunter to pick you off but all together, and the hunter will see you all you travel across the map together. Its difficult to be stealthy in pairs not to mention getting caught all together would make it easy for the hunter to get hits in. The game was simple, 5 cyphers to be decoded, a gate to be opened. Alternatively, getting knocked down and placed on a chair by the hunter and getting sent back to the manor prematurely.
"We should probably stick to the closest cypher to us, if we end up meeting up thats a plus but it shouldnt be priority until late game." You ran that thought across them and they both nodded their head in agreement. You were good at decision making it seemed. At the very least, you were confidant that your team could pull off a good chase if they did get singled out and that would give everyone time to work on cyphers without looking over their shoulders every minute.
"I'll go fill Aesop in so he knows then." Fiona stood up and smiled as she walked by. Suddenly it was only you and Kurt. You never got the chance to talk one on one before.
"Are you solid with the plan?" You decided to double check with him just in case he had any reservations.
"It sounds fine to me. Very logical." When Kurt agreed you felt yourself relax a bit. "But can I talk to you about something other than the plan?" When he said that your relaxation melted into a little bit of worry. You never liked the 'we need to talk' talks. "It could've been my imagination but... You snuck into Aesop's room yesterday didnt you?" Confrontation. One of your least favorite cousins that reer their head around the corner at every opportunity.
"I-I uh..." You didnt know how to rationalize breaking and entering.
"I don't think he saw you and I wont tell him but I just wanted to know why. Distrust? Its hardly been a few days." Kurt got up from his seat and approached you while he spoke.
"No!" You tried to shut down the mistrust idea "Its not that I dont trust him. He's given me no reason to not trust him. I guess it was just....curiosity?" Like a peek behind show curtains. Unethical, but honest.
"Oh, well...Thanks for being honest." He rubbed the back of his head, a book in his non-dominant hand "but at the same time," he met your eyes "curiosity killed the cat. Just be careful." He sent shivers down your back with that last statement. He wasn't at all threatening, he wasn't angry, it was a genuine warning to watch yourself until the game.
"G-Got it..." You broke eye contact in favor of the floor, spitting out a nervous reply while he walked by you. Alone, you took a deep breath and let it out slowly while you rubbed your face. Things were moving way too quickly. You heard your name called from behind you and turned to see Fiona walking back in the room.
"You okay? You're pale." She reached over and laid the back of her hand against your forehead. "You should get some food and some more sleep. The game is tomorrow and you should be in top shape." Lowering her hand from your forhead to your shoulder, she gave you a sympathetic rub on the arm and left you to your own devices. Fiona was right, you needed to get your energy back. After getting a bit of food, you retired for the night.

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