The game (1) Friendship

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//TW: Light mention of blood

Last night when you talked to Aesop, you established a mutual friendship and that was the first thing you thought of when you woke up in your bed. You felt energized and encouraged by not only the newfound friendship but a great nights sleep without worry of conflicting feelings. Today was focus day, a huge advantage when your game began. You smoothed your hair, got dressed and took deep breaths before leaving your room. The game was before breakfast so after ensuring you were ready to go, you met by the doors in the main hall. Aesop and Fiona were already waiting, Kurt shortly after you in joining the group. Good mornings were exchanged before you all traveled to the waiting room, which resembled a banquet hall. Surprisingly, you werent nervous. Everyone took their seat on one end of the table and waited.
"Good luck everyone." Kurt wished everyone good luck, you didn't know how you were going to enter the area and these were the last seconds of face-to-face before the actual game.
"Good luck." You echoed back, reminding yourself to take deep breaths. Just behind you, you heard the sound of glass cracking and breaking like it was under pressure. When you turned your head, you were surprised to be faced with an open area. Turning your head back, the table as well as your teammates were gone and the game began. The area looked like a broken down chruch but there was a fog that rolled and swirled, making it hard to tell. Regardless of the area you decided to get to work, spotting a cypher in front of you that was well hidden by cornered walls. As soon as you layed your hands on the cypher it was like you knew what to do immediately, turning nobs, tapping buttons and giving it a good smack or two. You surprised yourself by how efficently this worked, only for it to pop and shudder before blowing sparks in your face. You had to take a step back, that was definatly loud enough to hear across the area. As you crouched behind a nearby wall you felt your heart as it beat harder and louder, producing an unfamilar glow from your chest. It was obvious why when you saw a tall, slender man walk by. That was the hunter. He looked around and his eyes scanned for you, like he knew you were still there. Suddenly he walked over to something and....took a picture?
The camera he went to sent out a projection a few feet in front of it and you could clearly see yourself stationary like a picture but that meant he saw you too, you just didn't know it. He stepped into the black and white projection like it was a doorway, leaving you to believe you were safe only for you to feel tinges of phantom pain. It was like you were hit across the back. Panicked, you ran as far and fast as you could muster before you felt another sting across the back of your head. Was he invisible? The last hit knocked you to the ground as you heard a whirl in the background, like a film being turned back. You couldnt find the strength to get up from your knees, holding your head dizzily. It wasn't long before the photographer found you, picking you up and tying balloons around your waist, using them to carry you to a nearby red chair with rockets tied to the back. You struggled hard but couldn't get down while he was carrying you or break through when he bound you. Lucky for you, the hunter's attention was snapped to a bright light that came from the distance, a cypher that was complete. Come to think of it, you thought you heard one go off while you were running. When the hunter left you tried your best to calm down. Someone would save you.
"Over here." You heard someone whisper to you. It was Fiona, a small black portal behind her as an entry/escape point. "Follow me." She rushed over to you and untied you in seconds, leading you through her portal and face to face with Aesop. They had been working together.
"I can help." Aesop stopped decoding to feel up your back, wrapping a bandage over your head and back. You didn't realize you were bleeding, drops running off your head and down your spine as well. Fiona helped patch you up and very quickly you felt good as new. Miraculous. "Lets focus on decoding." Aesop quickly switched gear, hoping straight back onto the cypher and decoding just as before. You and Fiona joined him, there being just enough room for three people to work on it. Once it was popped and completed, you watched Fiona run to the wall and start a summoning whereas Aesop rushed to a coffin and started putting makeup on it. Strangely, you didn't notice it was there before, he had it hidden behind a few walls. Watching Aesop work was amazing. Live art was really something and before long you realized the final product was in your likeness. Your face flushed a little in embarrassment. "Next time you're on a chair, you'll be transported here, dont worry." Aesop explained breifly before hopping through Fiona's new quick travel. Flattered was one word to describe yourself at the moment. To think Aesop would use his precious gift to help you. That's what friends do, though. Following through the portal, you're met with everyone. Kurt and Fiona were already on the cypher working on it and Aesop just joining them. As you reached to help them you heard the familar sound of a picture being taken. Thats not good. You looked around the area and found a camera. If the hunter could step through it, maybe you could too. You ran through and found yourself as well as your surroundings bathed in monochrome. Your heart was too, as it beat viciously against your chest. The hunter was nearby. Crouching, you slowly crawled and peaked over the side of the wall. Everyone was focused on the cypher, even you who just stood there despite the real you being elsewhere. This is what the hunter saw then, as he smacked each of your teammates that were on the cypher, instantly knocking them to their knees. He managed to grab and lift up Kurt with some balloons, carrying him to a chair right as the timer ran out on his film. Color returned around you and you watched as everyone suddenly took the hits they were given and confusedly scrambled. Kurt was on his knees and got swiped up and placed on a chair just like in the photograph world. You watched as the photographer laid his eyes on Aesop who didn't know he was crouching in plain sight of the hunter. Your body moved before you realized it and you rushed over to Aesop as he realized the impending hit and you took it for him, the force enough to send you a few feet forward in a run and giving Aesop enough time to run the opposite way. Of both options, the hunter chose to chase you, follwing close in your footsteps. You ran him around a few walls, leaping through windows and throwing down pallets to slow him down. Kurt was promptly rescued by Fiona who made a mini-healing party to recover not only her health but Kurt and Aesop's as well. You had wasted good time for the hunter, the trio being fully healed and back on the cypher while you ran the opposite way from them. Your luck had to run out though, the hunter was faster than you and cought up quickly, smacking you down with a single strike. Like before, you squirmed and writhed in his grasp, smiling when he set you in the chair. You trusted what Aesop said. Moments after being tied up, black began to cover the chair and your body before you were suddenly stepping out of a coffin. Aesop was there to meet you, immediately wrapping more badages around your recently opened wounds.
"That was dangerous." He spoke through his mask while he tightened the bandages, scolding you out of worry. "You took a hit for me and made it but what if that had gone differently? What if..." He trailed off. It wasnt like him to worry so openly, the softer side made you smile.
"Sorry. I just didnt want to watch you get hurt." You were honest, having nothing to hide. Slowly, Aesop's cheeks turned pink with blush.
"Thank you. But please be careful I can't embalm you again." With that, you realized he didn't need to. Kurt and Fiona finished the last cypher and ran past you and Aesop to the door, Kurt punching in a very long code. You waited for him to finish only to realize your chest begin to glow again. The hunter! Whirling your head around, you watched him march toward you all. Something was different though. His eyes were red. Panic set in while your mind wandered. What is that? He looks so menacing, so angry. Your attention was ripped away when Aesop took your hand, pulling you back and leading you through the exit gate doors as they opened. Fiona, Kurt and Aesop ran ahead of you and the four of you escaped through thick mist only to find yourself at the doors of the mansion again. That wasnt it, you still had more games. When everyone entered the manor, you realized upon stepping through the door that you werent in pain anymore. As you reached to take the bandages from your head you saw someone beat you to it. Aesop undid your bandages for you and looked closely at you, to make sure you were fine. Your cheeks burned a bit with embaressment and before you realized, you reached out and wrapped your arms around him.
"Im so glad you made it out safe." Despite his very clear uncomfort from the sudden embarace he didn't push you away, even slowly wrapping around you in a hug.
"You had some close calls, but we made it out because of you distracting the hunter like that." Fiona stepped closer, Kurt to her side.
"You did great." Kurt agreed with her, making your heart swell. Pulling away from Aesop, you wrapped your arms around Fiona as well. She immediately reciprocated the hug, rubbing her hands along your back. You had a feeling that it wasn't so scary going into the games as long as you had your friends.

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