Part 1: The morning

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There was a tall man. Hair in a high ponytail, his bangs rested on his face. His eyes certainly were not filled with love. His left hand on his hip was covered in a black glove. His other had candy which he tossed into his mouth carelessly and leaned on a wall

"You could help me?" Another person called. She stood wrapping string trying to make a basket. She has white eyes, her hair in two buns and she had a bamboo stick with her by her side. Her green dress matched the soft grass which was to her left.

"I'd rather watch you, it's more fun." He said chuckling at her.

"Xue Yang, a-Qing." A man called. He dressed in all white, as white as the snow in winter time. His long dark hair draped across his shoulder. His face was appealing, although white cloth wrapped around his eyes. a-Qing picked up her stick and navigated to him and hugged him barring her face in his robes. "Yes..." she said in a low voice.

"Please be nice to each other."

Xue Yang threw his candy wrapper on the ground and walked closer to Xiao Xingchen.

"Why? She's a little blind brat." As the words slipped from his mouth a-Qing moved her bamboo stick and smacked Xue Yang with it.

"Mhmmm!" Xue walked toward her and Xiao Xingchen moved to separate them.

"That's enough. Xue here." He gave him a basket "go to the market and get some vegetables."

"Why is candy better."

"No it's not!" a-Qing stuck her tongue out.

"Go on I'll go with Xue ok?"

"Fine!" She turned around on her heel. And walked back.

"Let's go." Xiao Xingchen has a soft smile.

As the two walked on the dirt path Xiao Xingchen only listened due to his lack of sight. Xue Yang watched and slowly trailed behind him. As they got close to the market the two walked inside.

"It's not as crowded but stay close to me." Xue was lying, he needed an excuse to make sure Xiao stayed next to him.

"Let's start with some potatoes and then move to greens, some rice would do well" Xiao has a soft smile.


a-Qing sat on the grass near Yi city. She has some sting and intertwines them making a bracelet.

"Why is it that Xiao obviously doesn't want Xue Yang to leave but he's also so mean!"

"I agree."

She turned around to see where the voice came from. A man dressed in all black. His smile was also soft, similar to Xiao Xingchen. His hair was in a half up bun. The rest of his hair rested on his back.

"Oh Song Lan..." he walked and sat down next to her. When she saw him sit she then leaned onto him. "Xue Yang is so rude."

"Yes true. He's very intimidating most of the time. Where are they and why are you out here alone?"

"I wanted to be alone and Xue Yang and Big brother left."

"Right you call him differently."

"Yeah, those two went to get dinner, they also are picking up some other stuff. What brought you here?"

"The wind. It's getting cold. Do you need anything?"

"No thanks." a-Qing moved and stood up.

"Come on. Let's go to Yi City."

"I don't think I should go."


He looked at her and her stick. And got up gently grabbing her arm. "K let's go back"

She leaned onto him as they walked into Yi City. Walking into a new fully built house Xiao Xingchen fixed up. a-Qing sat on the bed while Song Lan sat at the table. As a-Qing drifted into sleep Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen would return shortly

Xue Yang x Xiao XingchenWhere stories live. Discover now