Xue Yang gives birth (pt 2)

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She handed Xiao Xingchen a damp cool towel to wipe Xue Yang's face with.

"Lean back a bit more but stay where you are, the water will help the birth move a lot smoother." She lays a towel in Xiao Xingchen's lap and another one in hers. "You'll feel smaller less painful contractions at first but tell me the minute they begin to intensify and you'll feel the urge to push." She explains waiting silently with her hands in her lap.

Xue Yang nodded feeling better about the whole situation. He started to sway his head a bit pulling his hands to grab the tub. His breath got a bit faster, still being a bit scared. Xue Yang started to lean back pulling his hips up just a bit so he was slightly laying down in a way. He started to feel a contraction. "Mhm k, the contraction just started." He tried to stop moving but his body still gave off a slight shake. "A-Qing... it's starting to get intense... do...do I push?" He asked slowly, starting to push a bit to close his eyes and trying to bear with the pain.

"Yes, no wait for the next one and when it comes I want you to push until the contraction ends" Xiao Xingchen began to look slightly worried. He looks at his husband then back at A-Qing. "A-Chen, are you alright, you look like you're going into labor as well" the girl teased rubbing the mans back assuringly "don't worry A-Chen everything is going to be fine, do you need a second to get some air, I understand that this is overwhelming in several different aspects". Xiao Xingchen shook his head smiling at his husband "I'll stay with A-Yang".

He shook his head. "A-Qing... I need to push." Xue Yang was always a bit stubborn but now was not the time. He tried to stop but he pushed till his contraction ended. He felt bad because he did what A-Qing told him not to do, plus his emotions were getting the best of him. He grabbed an extra towel and wiped his tears. "I-I'm so-Sorry A-Qing! I p-pushed." He said with sobs. He tried not to move, feeling pain collect in his back and lower abdomen. Xue Yang looked up trying to regain his breath. He waited for another contraction to hit.

"It's alright A-Yang, your body knows best and if it called for you to push that you needed to push, just push during contractions so you'll maintain enough energy throughout the birth" she smiled softly before looking down into the water to check the progress "I see a little sliver of black hair" she says with a smile of her own

"you're doing so well A-Yang" Xiao Xingchen smiles giving Xue Yang's hand a gentle squeeze .

"Yay!" He smiled trying to get past his little break down. He tried to count each second stopping at five after realizing it wasn't doing him any good. He shifted a bit and spread his legs a bit pulling his hand to see if he could feel the kids head. He pulled his hand up. "Got lots of hair that's for sure." He spoke softly. He grabbed the edge of the tub starting to push as another contraction came to him. This time he kind of pulled himself out of the tube grabbing it tightly. His eyes were closed and he let out a bit of a scream. "AH!" He said losing a bit of energy from his strong push.

"You can't push too hard A-Yang" A-Qing holds a cup of cold water up to his lips for him to drink. "Relax A-Yang and catch your breath" Xiao Xingchen wiped the sweat beading at his lover's forehead before pressing a peck to his temple. "I'm going check on Your clumsy partner, you stay here with Xue Yang, and make sure he doesn't push himself too hard, if he gets too tired he'll faint and out both their lives in danger" she spoke sternly before standing and walking to check on the other cultivator who was lying in Her bed asleep.

Xue Yang watched aw disappear. "Who knew that blind brat could be so serious..." he sipped more of the cold water. After doing so he tried to turn around so he was on his knees in the bath. Just as he finished he felt another contraction. "S-shit. Xiao... hand give me your hand!" He tried reaching for it. After he grabbed it he started to squeeze it hard. "S-Sorry!"

"She's not a brat, I thought you two were friends?" He held his husband's hand , helping him to squeeze it during the push. "Don't apologize I'll be fine" he kisses his husband's hands before looking him in the eye "can I feel for the babies head?" He asks not wanting to make his lover uncomfortable in any manner.

Xue Yang smiled with slight tears in his eyes. "Yes you can." He grabbed the side of the tub trying to get comfy. Although his body was starting to shake. "Tell me if it's almost out cause the next push gets your hands ready for a baby." Xue Yang felt his body quickly weaken. He shook his head trying to stay awake.

Xiao Xingchen reaches back feeling the infant's head with a smile before cradling the baby's head in his hands to support its head "it's head is out...A-Yang are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard, you're very pale and you're shaking a bit" he continues to hold the babies head smiling when A-Qing returns "You pushes too hard didn't you?" She sighs holding a piece of fruit to his lips. "This will keep your blood sugar up so you can finish the birth" she looked at the babies and headed them up to Xiao Xingchen who was grinning. "Our baby is gorgeous A-Yang, I can't wait for you to meet them".

"No I'm not going too hard. I-" he started to think of the baby and started to cry. He started to slightly hiccup. "S-Sorry...." he smiled and ate the bit of fruit while looking down trying to see the head. "I'm so nervous Xiao." He spoke with semi loud cries. He nodded knowing he would have his baby in his arms any time now. He started to feel the last contraction pushing hard. He felt a bit of tearing and closed his eyes. "A-Qing! Get ready." He pushed hard feeling the kid drop. He quickly reached under grabbing it making sure it would take its first breath. He leaned back, falling a bit while holding the baby close to his chest.

Xiao Xingchen smiled when the cries of the baby filled the room. A-Qing steps aside allowing the baby's father to sit next to his husband. "They're gorgeous A-Yang" he reaches out, stroking the child's cheek with one of his fingers smiling when the baby takes one of its father's fingers in its hand. "Can you see the gender A-Yang?" Song Lan asks from the doorway after being woken by the screaming child.

Xue Yang looked at Song Lan and for once he actually liked him being there. They weren't always friends but seeing him stand there and be there was very pleasant. He nodded trying to move the baby and smiled. "Oh no, y'all we have another girl!" Xue Yang laughed with tears down his face. He looked at the baby and touched her hair. She looked so cute and so small. "She's so small! How?" He pointed to his belly then to the little one in his arms. Xue Yang turned and started to give a solid kiss to his husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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