Xue Yang gives birth

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Starwarslover422636 helped me write this. SHE FU*CKING AMAZING!!! Please follow her!!!

Xue Yang sat on the bed. He started to take off all his robes except his pants. He spread his legs and looked at his bump which had dropped. "A-Qing... Go out and call for Xiao Xingchen. They must be done with their night hunt. I'll get the water in the bathroom ready..." he finished clenching his eyes in pain. A-Qing nods and runs out the room grabbing her coat.

She runs to the kitchen and grabs a lantern, lighting it before writing a talisman and sticking it to the door to ward off anything from coming to the house while she is gone. She runs down the road yelling for The two cultivators. "A-Lan!? A-Chen!?", She stops to take in her surroundings before continuing her search.

Song Lan was in the middle of telling a story when he heard a voice. "That sounds like A-Qing, but what's she doing out this late in the cold?". He runs through the snow covered forest floor pulling Xiao Xingchen with him. "A-Qing!" He runs over to the girl placing his hands on her face checking for any wounds only to find that she was fine but cold. "Are you insane?! You would have caught your death. Wait. where's Xue Yang?". A-Qing pushes the man's hands from her face "He's in labor, he sent me out to find you."

Song Lan looks back at his partner with a smile "Did you hear that A-Chen!?" He says with a smile.

Xue Yang slowly got up, he looked at the bath and started to fill it. Every 2 minutes stopping to grab on to the sink trying not to scream. A few times he did. He looked down at his belly. "Making this hard for mommy Hu?" He looked at the water almost full. He nodded and started to make sure it didn't overflow.

Xiao Xingchen smiled walking up to the two. "That's fantastic... I'm going to be a father." He grabbed Song Lan's robe nodding. "Let's go. A-Qing one last thing, don't go running around without a jacket, here." He took off his own top robe leaving his loose bottom robe and started to wrap A-Qing up. "Have you counted his contractions?" He glanced at A-Qing touching her face feeling her warm up a bit.

"No, from what I'd seen he's about two hours in he still had his pants on when I left so I didn't check" she pulled Xiao Xingchen's robes leading him to the house with Song Lan following closely behind. When they arrive she opens the door before running to the bathroom where Xue Yang was sitting in the tub gripping it's sides like his life depended upon it. "A-Yang, do you need anything?" Xiao Xingchen asks wanting to help instead of just being an extra body in the room. A-Qing rushes into the room with a few towels and some lavender and peppermint oils to help soothe Xue Yang's pain. "A-Chen, go cut up a mango for A-Yang, he needs to keep his sugar and energy up or he'll faint". Song Lan nods and rushes out of the room giving A-Qing space to work.

Xue Yang started to smell the mint smiling a bit. He turned to A-Qing searching for her hand. He reached out and grabbed it tightly. "I've... I've waited so long for this moment. The moment where I get to hold my kid..." he smiled slightly, digging his nails into her skin. He tried letting go. "FUCK!" He pulled his hand back and it instantly went to his belly. He looked and started seeing blood in the water. "A-Qing... I need to push. J-just let me push we can get it all done and over with now." He knew it wasn't time to push but insisted on it. He tried getting his mind off the pain by smelling the oils. It wasn't helping him too much. His stomach flipped and he set a hand over his mouth trying not to throw up. He closed his eyes. "Talk to me A-Qing. Tell me your favorite flower..." he kept his eyes closed, just wanting someone to talk to him. He felt so unprepared, like he had worked up for this moment but everything was going the wrong way. Xiao Xingchen rushed in with a mango. It was cut with little hearts. He looked at Xue Yang and touched his head. It was burning up.

"Carnations are lovely in the spring," she said, holding a piece of fruit up for Xue Yang to take. "I know you want to push. just focus on your breathing, I'll send your husband in to talk to you while Song Lan and I get other things ready". She places the towels on the floor next to the tub before rushing out and getting Xiao Xingchen. He runs back into the washroom kneeling next to his husband taking his hand "A-Qing sent me in here to keep you company. How are you feeling?" He holds his lover's hand tightly rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. He looks down at Xue Yang's rounded stomach running a gentle hand over the stretched skin with a smile. "It feels like everything went by so quickly".

"I feel like my head is spinning, there is pain going up my back, my belly keeps being shifted from the kid... but I'm so excited! I'm ready to meet them Xiao. I'm so ready." He started to break down and cry. He took his hand out of the water covering his eyes and started crying into him. Xue Yang smiled big and reached out to pull himself up so he could kiss Xiao. "Yes it went by too quickly... promise me. If something happens to me or the kid save the kid."

"A-Yang" Xiao Xingchen spoke softly, wiping the tears from her husband's face. "I know the baby will be fine and you will too"he presses a kiss to his husband's sweaty temple. He perks up when he hears a yell from the kitchen.

"A-Lan!" A-Qing screams from the kitchen fussing at the man who had burned himself on a pot despite the fact that he was warned prior to the incident that the pot was hot. "Is everything alright?!" Xiao Xingchen yells from the washroom with a chuckle. "Your cultivation partner is a klutz!" A-Qing yells from the kitchen.

Xue Yang smiled with a slight laugh. He covered his mouth "sorry that was funny..." he looked at Xiao Xingchen. Then he touched his face. "A-Qing!! What are you boiling?" He looked at Xiao Xingchen confused on why they were cooking something. "Xiao I'll be fine. Could you go check what's going on out there?" Xue Yang looked at the door to the other room and still only smelled lavender and peppermint. He slid down and looked at the water.

"I asked him to warm some water for when the baby is born so we could bathe them but he was being a klutz and splashed the water on himself" A-Qing was on the floor next to Song Lan pressing a cold towel on his burn. Song Lan on the other hand looked like a child, his face was bright red and his cheeks filled with air as he attempted to retain his pain filled expression. "A-Lan, you look like a tomato," Xiao Xingchen joked with a laugh.

"Shut up" he retorted, wincing when the girl began to wrap his wound. "I hope the baby is a girl, being the only girl in the house is proving to be more of a challenge as I get older" she sighs standing from the floor before walking to the washroom to check on Xue Yang. "How's everything going?" She asks brushing a few strands of damp hair from his face.

Xue Yang looked at A-Qing and smiled. "Nope it's going to be a boy. I just know it. To be honest I feel like my body is being-" he cut off feeling another contraction. He grabbed onto the sides of the bath tilting his head back. "It's being split..." he finished and felt this contraction being a lot longer than the past ones. He looked at her shaking a bit. "H-how much longer?" Xue Yang started to dig his nails into the wooded bathtub getting a few splinters in his fingers. He started nodding his head slightly trying to wait for the pain to pass.

"Depends, how far apart are they?" She asks, wiping Xue Yang's forehead and taking his hand. Xiao Xingchen returns to the bathroom taking his husband's hand. "Is everything going well?" He asks A-Qing who was looking into the water.

"From the looks Of it you're going to be a father in the next 45 minutes or so" A-Qing grins patting the father-to-be on the back.

"Did you hear that A-Yang? We'll be meeting our baby in just a few minutes" he kisses his husband's hand.

Xue Yang smiles for a second. "Yes. I'm so excited!" He smiled looking at A-Qing. "Where do you want me?" He looked at A-Qing and touched his face trying to wipe the sweat off. Xue Yang started to feel his body finally stop shaking. Once it stopped he started to pant a bit. "Is it getting hot in here?" He started to fan his face.


Xue Yang x Xiao XingchenWhere stories live. Discover now