Xue Yang is sick

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I wrote this when I had the flu and it sucked so I wrote haha

As the night grew closer Xue Yang's throat started to hurt. His head began to throb. Xue Yang didn't want to mention it because he didn't want to worry Xiao Xingchen. Xiao Xingchen has the best bed out of everyone. Sometimes all three of them would crash in Xiao Xingchen's bed. Xue Yang Laid there swallowing to see if his throat was still dry. As Xue Yang, A-Qing and Xiao Xingchen fell asleep, Xue Yang was the only one who woke up in the middle of the night. As his stomach thought it was breakfast and started to growl. His head ached and his throat wasn't getting any better. Xue Yang turned and rolled around a few times before he came close to Xiao. Xiao's breathing was off balance and Xue Yang realized he was awake. He wasn't startled, just relieved.

"Xiao Xingchen..." he said with a sweet tone of voice.

"Yes?" He replied back. Xiao Xingchen was fully awake but just a wake so you could hear and see and feel things.

"I'm going outside." Before Xiao Xingchen could do anything Xue Yang was at the door unlocking it. Xiao Xingchen got up and set a hand on Xue Yang's shoulder and with the other hand felt his head.

"You're burning up. You sick?" Xue Yang did feel a little sick. Like a cold or flu type thing. Xue Yang walked back to bed. Xiao Xingchen went to the other side to get A-Qing off so she wouldn't catch the sickness. As Xiao Xingchen grabbed her and moved her to the other bed Xue Yang set his body on the bed. Xue rubbed his temples and then set his hands to rest on his tummy. He still felt his head ache. Xiao Xingchen moved back.

"Xue Yang what's all hurting?"

"My head. My tummy's growling. My throat is cold. And I'm freezing."

"If it is all gone by the morning I think the 24 hour flu is what you've got. Does your belly feel bad at all?"

"Just like I'm hungry but I'm afraid to eat incase I vomit."

"I would rather have the flu than a cold, those last forever." With that Xue Yang felt like he would rather jump off a building than live. Xiao Xingchen walked over to A-Qing and woke her up.

"Xiao Xingchen, it's too early." She rubbed her eyes and looked at the person towering over her.

"Grab some water Xue Yang is sick. Make sure you bring it to a boil before pouring it." A-Qing did what she was told. She walked out of the building and left. Xue felt his tummy twist and sat up trying not to throw up.

"Xue Yang, is everything good?"

"My stomach wants food." Honestly he lied, Xue Yang thought maybe If he got food in his belly then the growling would stop and then needing to throw up would also stop. Xue Yang wasn't too sure though. He was used to getting up for night huts and getting food then. So having a meal in the middle of the night wasn't new to him.

"Like?" Xiao Xingchen came close and smiled.


"Is it ok with no noodles?"

"Yeah." Xue Yang walked into the other room to change into a looser robe. His stomach was flat and white. His face became paler than usual. He walked out not realizing he didn't have a shirt and plopped on the bed. His bare chest felt the cold breeze. He opened his eyes to see A-Qing staring at him with a cup.

"Thank you." A-Qing was shocked by his actions. And to cover up the fact that she was blushing because of Xue Yang's abs she smacked his stomach.

"Gez A-Qing! Why did you do that? I'm not feeling well."

"Woah I can finally make you feel intimidated by me. I've never felt so big compared to you and Xiao." A-Qing smiled holding her chin up high.

"A-Qing please just go away." A-Qing looked back at Xue. His stomach had a mark where she smacked it. Her face went blank. Did she really hit it that hard?

"What?" Xue was confused by her blank stare.

"Did I really hit you hard?" A-Qing forgot that she was blind and then covered up by saying that. "I just realized how loud the slap was."

"I mean you left a mark. It's all red. I don't have a shirt on you limp dick. Now my tummy's gonna really hurt." Xue Yang took a sip out of the drink.

"Tummy? What does your mommy, no daddy need to help you cuz your tummy hurts." A-Qing made fun of how he said his words.

"Shut up A-Qing it's just how I say it ok!?" Xue Yang started to get mad but A-Qing walked away. All while they were fighting Xiao made soup. After that A-Qing kept her distance. Xiao Xingchen came to sit by Xue Yang with soup. Xiao fed the soup to the sick person. Xiao Xingchen made a lot knowing Xue needed it. Half way done with the bowl Xue Yang had to ask Xiao to not go as fast. The soup was just like chicken noodles. Yet no noodles. Xue Yang finished it and set his head on the pillow and moved around.

"Here." Xiao held up something small. It looked like water. But it was something Xiao knew how to make to help Xue Yang go to sleep.

"Thanks." After drinking it Xue Yang started to sleep. His belly is full. His head still kind of hurt but it was bearable. His throat started to go numb.

In the morning Xue jumped up and grabbed water downing it. As he looked at Xiao who was red in the cheeks and nose.

"Thanks Xiao. I feel much better."

"That-" before Xiao could finish he sneezed. "-good."

"Are you sick?"

"Maybe." Xiao said with a weird smile.

Xue Yang x Xiao XingchenWhere stories live. Discover now