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Sao had nudged the door open with his hip because his hands were not necessarily heavy but occupied all the same with the sealed hot food and the blanket. He happened to step into the room at the exact moment a figure in medical scrubs was standing over Makenna with a sharp object suspended in the air, growling. He couldn't tell you how time slowed down, at least for him it seemed to as he dove towards the figure, dropping the blanket and the food on the floor as he did. He didn't even care if the gesture was innocent or not, but the red hair and the posture was enough to propel his body forward in defense of a sleeping Makenna. He'd gone into a capoeira kick, catching the attacker off guard and pushing her some distance off

The woman screams, Makenna yelps jumping awake, there's blood as Sao wrestles the woman, who was now growling louder, now forcing her way back to a bleeding Makenna who was frozen in shock at the sight before her, the sharp object in her hand moving up and down in stabbing motions

"Die you fucking nigger bitch! Die you whore!" She was screaming stabbing at Makenna wildly as Makenna used her hands to defend herself and Sao kicked the woman again, this time sending her flying towards the wall

She crushed against it with a sickening crack of something, her green gaze turning to Sao in a devilish glare

"Verne Coleman!" He hisses in disbelief, watching her try to lunge herself at Makenna again. 

He couldn't tell which blood stains were hers and which were Makenna's...and the thought of any harm coming to Kenny or the baby had turned him absolutely apoplectic. He felt a heat take over his body, his legs moving in fast decisive kicks that worked to disarm and then knock Verne completely unconscious. By the time the nurses were rushing in, he had the crying bleeding Makenna in his arms and his foot dangling threateningly on Verne's neck waiting for any sign of movement from her, for any invitation to end her life. 

The nurses had been forced to peel him off of the crying Makenna, his shirt stained from her bleeding and perhaps his too. 

"Help her! She's pregnant, help her!" He urges them, finding that his body was now shaking from the adrenaline rush

"And call the police!" He barks at them as a nurse takes Makenna, checking her for wounding as delicately as possible

How had he done what he just did??? What exactly had he just done??

"How the fuck did she even get in here? How in the flying fuck did she know where he was?!" Lachlan was barking at the wall in disbelief

He was the furthest from calm Sao had ever seen him, understandably so. Somehow the woman that had kidnapped Dionysius Plutarch had found him and almost killed Makenna and the baby! if Sao had been even a second later, if he had frozen in confusion, if he had been even slightly less attentive than he'd proven to be in the situation...

"It couldn't be him! He's been half dead the entire time!" Lucas chimes in angrily as Sao's phone chimes

He turns to the screen and reads the message 

"Microchip..." He mumbles realizing there was a sophistication to this kidnapping that he found completely baffling

"What?!" Lucas probes

"She put a microchip in him, that's how she found him so fast." Sao says, trying to hop out of the bed and finding that Lachlan moves to restrain him

He'd suffered some wounding to his leg in his spirited defense of Makenna. The nurse had already cleaned the wounds up and Sao was failing to see the use of the hospital bed he was being restrained to. What he needed to do was find the microchip Verne Coleman had put in his best friend, and find out if his other best friend had lost the baby, was alive, had suffered any critical wounding. Lachlan glares at him, as if to demand that he attempt, at least for now, to rest his leg and heal. Sao sighs angrily at this but ultimately, it's Lachlan whose sense prevails. 

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