Chapter 10

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About 5 minutes later, I walked out clean, with the apron on. I looked to my left, seeing (y/n) clicking her heels against the wooden floor, looking at the photos on the hallway walls.

We made eye contact and she smiled with her eyes shimmering green. "Can we see Doc now?"

My smile faded when she said that. I know why she wants to, for that stuff she's taking. I still don't trust whatever medicine she's on. "Umm, hold that thought. I need to talk to Mom first. You can stay in my room if you want while you wait for me."

(Y/n) nodded and walked to my room. I don't think I have anything embarrassing in there, so she won't find any weird things. The most she'll find is maybe uhhh....I don't know, Morph? Morph can say very embarrassing things..

I went down the stairs, finding the kitchen and lobby area quieting down. There were probably only about three families seated. I walked over to Mom, seeing her trying to pick up a heavy sack of sugar.

"Here Mom, I've got it. You want it on the counter top?"

She smiled as I picked it up easily. "Thank you honey, and yes please."

I sat it down as I watched her make some soup for dinner hour later. "Hey mom?"

"Yes honey?" She turned to face me.

"Later today, or sometime soon if you want me to, can I have a serious conversation with Doppler? It's about (y/n) and I'm really worried about her."

"Is she alright??? She's not sick, is she???"

"Eh....sorta? Well, she's been taking this medicine, but I really don't trust it. Anyways, last night..." I really gonna tell her EVERYTHING that happened last night??? I can at least take out a few things...

"Last night she went in my room sobbing. She was half asleep so I didn't hear much, but it sounded like she was talking about her past, and about Silver. Anyways, she fell asleep, so I let her sleep in my bed. In the morning, when I woke up, and took a shower, I asked her about it and she was SO confused. She didn't remember anything. 'Not since I took my medicine...' or something like that."

"So you think her medicine is some kind of memory removing medicine?"

"Exactly. I read somewhere that there was this man who gave his daughter and wife benzodiazepine, and ended up brain-washing them that the world was ending and they had to live in some underground camper. Look, I'm not saying Doppler is like that, but I just don't trust it. She's 18, she should have the freedom of speech if she wants to take that stuff or not."

Mom nodded and untied the apron that was around my waist. "Go ahead, I've got this."

I kissed her hands and hugged her tightly. "Thank you Mom. Thank you so much."

I rushed upstairs and into my room. "(Y/n), you have shoes on? We're leaving to go to-" I stopped because my room was empty. "(Y/n)?"

"I'm right in front of you. Of course I'm ready. I've been ready. I took off that dress though, and put on some slacks."

Nothing but an empty bed and her dress were in front of me. The sound of her voice was truly in front of me, but her figure wasn't. "U-umm... I can hear you, but I can't see you."


"W-we don't have time for this. Get on my back and I'll carry you to Doc's." I bent down, my back facing her voice.

I didn't feel anything until a minute later. Her body was against my back, her legs wrapping themselves around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I-I can feel her...breasts... against my back. I wonder how big they are...NO STOP IT!!! I have her on my back, let's go already!!!

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